If you are looking for a crystal to wear every day, there are many options to choose from. It is important to select a crystal that resonates with your personal energy and helps you to feel connected to your higher self. Experiment with different crystals until you find the one that feels right for you. When you do, you will notice a positive difference in your daily life.

What are the Best Crystals to Wear Daily

When choosing a crystal to wear every day, it is important to trust your intuition. Go with the stone that feels right for you and trust that it will help you on your journey. Here are some of the most popular crystals to wear everyday:

Clear Quartz

Best Crystal to Wear for Every Purpose

Clear Quarts Crystals Jewelry
Clear Quartz

One of the most popular crystals is Clear Quartz. It is known as the “master healer” and can be used for a variety of purposes. Many people choose to wear clear quartz every day because it is believed to promote clarity, peace, and balance. It can also help to amplify other crystals’ energies. Clear quartz is a versatile crystal that can be used for many different purposes, making it a great choice for those who want to wear a crystal every day.

Wearing a piece of clear quartz crystal every day can help to cleanse and balance the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual planes. This powerful stone also has the ability to neutralize negative energy, stimulate psychic abilities, and enhance concentration and memory.

Shop Natural Clear Quartz Necklaces

You can also explore Clear Quartz Crystal points, wands, and clusters on Amazon.

Rose Quartz

Best Crystal to Wear for Love

Rose Quartz Crystal Bracelet
Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is the best crystal to wear for love. It is known as the “love stone” because it promotes love, self-love, friendship, and emotional healing. Rose quartz opens the heart chakra and encourages forgiveness and understanding. It helps to balance emotions, ease anxiety, and promote self-esteem. It can also help with fertility and attracting soul mates.

Rose quartz is a powerful crystal for restoring trust and harmony in relationships. It is also helpful in attracting new love into your life.

Shop Rose Quartz


Best Crystal to Wear for Luck

Citrine Crystal Pendant

Citrine is one of the best crystals to wear for luck and good fortune. It is a yellow or orange-colored variety of quartz that gets its name from the French word for lemon, citron. Citrine is said to bring good luck, abundance, and prosperity. It is also known as the “success stone” because it is believed to help manifest your desires and goals. Citrine is a great crystal to wear every day if you want to attract more positive energy into your life. You can buy natural Citrine crystals conveniently on Amazon.

Shop Natural Citrine Jewelry


Best Crystal to Wear for Anxiety

Amethyst Crystals Jewelry

Amethyst is one of the most popular crystals because it is said to have so many benefits. It is known as the “stone of protection” and is thought to be very helpful in warding off negative energy. Amethyst is also believed to be helpful in relieving stress and anxiety, and promoting peace and calmness. This crystal is also known for its ability to boost psychic abilities and intuition.

Because of all these positive attributes, amethyst is often worn as a piece of jewelry or carried as a pocket stone. Whether you are looking for protection, calmness, or just a pretty piece of jewelry, amethyst may be the perfect crystal for you. Explore natural Amethyst clusters, stones and jewelry on Amazon.

Tip: Repeat Amethyst affirmations to help you channel the energies of Amethyst.

Shop Natural Amethyst Jewelry

Black Tourmaline

Best Crystal to Wear for Protection

Black tourmaline
Black Tourmaline

Wearing Black Tourmaline can help to deflect negative energy and protect against psychic attacks. It can also help ground and balance the chakras. Black Tourmaline is a powerful stone that can help to improve your overall well-being. If you are feeling down or stressed, wearing black tourmaline can help you to feel more positive and balanced.

Shop Natural Black Tourmaline Jewelry

Best Crystal to Wear as a Necklace

One of the best ways to reap the benefits of crystals is to wear them as a necklace. This way, the stone will always be in close contact with your skin, allowing you to absorb its energy more effectively. Rose Quartz is an excellent choice for a daily crystal necklace, as it emits powerful vibrations of love and compassion. Other stones that are well-suited for this purpose include Amethyst, Peridot, Sodalite, Citrine, Turquoise, Lapis Lazuli, Jade, and Clear Quartz. For those seeking protection from negative energies, Obsidian is an excellent option.

When choosing a crystal necklace, it is important to select a stone that resonates with your personal energy. Consider the properties of each stone and decide which one would be most beneficial for you to wear on a daily basis. It is also important to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly, as they can absorb negative energies from their surroundings.

Wearing a crystal necklace is a simple way to enjoy the benefits of these powerful stones. By selecting the right stone for you and taking care of it properly, you can enjoy all that crystals have to offer.

Shop Natural Crystal Necklaces

Best Crystal to Wear as a Bracelet

One of the best ways to enjoy the benefits of crystals is to wear them as a bracelet. By selecting the right stone for you and taking care of it properly, you can enjoy all that crystals have to offer!

Crystal bracelets are not only beautiful, but they can also be quite powerful. If you select the right crystals, they can help to boost your mood, increase your energy levels, and even promote healing.

Shop Natural Crystal Bracelets

When selecting crystals for your bracelet, it is important to consider their properties and how they might benefit you. Some of the best stones to include in a crystal bracelet are amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, and jade. These stones are known for their ability to promote peace, love, and healing.

If you are looking for a bracelet that will help to boost your energy levels, consider adding stones such as tigers eye, carnelian, or bloodstone.

You can also choose crystals that correspond to the chakras, such as an Amethyst stone for the crown chakra or a citrine stone for the solar plexus chakra.

Once you have selected the stones you would like to use, it is time to select a bracelet that suits your style. There are many different types of bracelets available, from beaded bracelets to wire wrapped bracelets. You can even find bracelets that feature multiple strands of beads or crystals.

When selecting a bracelet, it is important to pay attention to the quality of the crystals and the overall craftsmanship. In general, higher quality bracelets will cost more, but they will also last longer and look better. It is important to buy your crystals from a reputable store because you want to get high quality crystals. It is important to buy your crystals from a reputable store because you want to get high quality crystals. Read my guide on the best places to buy crystals online.

Best Crystal to Wear as a Ring

When it comes to rings, the best crystal to wear every day is one that will resonate with your personal energy. Consider the properties of each stone and decide which one would be most beneficial for you to wear on a daily basis. It is also important to cleanse and charge your crystals regularly, as they can absorb negative energies from their surroundings.

Once you have found the perfect crystal ring for you, it is important to cleanse and charge it regularly. This will help to ensure that the energies of the stone are kept pure and strong. When cleansing your ring, be sure to use only purified water and avoid using any harsh chemicals. To charge your ring, simply place it in sunlight or moonlight for a few hours.

Shop Natural Crystal Rings

Wearing a crystal ring is a great way to bring positive energy into your life. It can also help to attract good luck, love, and abundance. If you are looking for a special piece of healing crystal jewelry to wear every day, then a crystal ring is the perfect accessory for you.


There is no single best crystal to wear every day. The best crystal for you is the one that you feel drawn to and that resonates with your energy. Trust your intuition when choosing a stone to wear, and be sure to cleanse your crystals regularly. This will help to remove any negative energy that may have been absorbed by the stone, and will ensure that your crystal is amplifying positive energy and intentions.


Last Updated on June 16, 2023

Amber, a certified crystal healer and spiritual teacher, shares her decade-long expertise on CrystalsAlchemy.com. Passionate about the transformative power of crystals, she helps others lead balanced lives through personal growth, spiritual development, and holistic well-being.

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