When your to-do list becomes overwhelming or your day with children becomes trying, essential oils can provide much-needed support by lifting your mood, revitalizing your mind, and giving a natural energy boost.

These stimulating essential oils will keep you alert and focused without the jitters or energy crash caused by caffeine. Use them in a diffuser or DIY spritzers to boost your energy levels and stay alert throughout the day.

1. Peppermint

Peppermint essential oil is an effective stimulant that increases concentration and energy. Its fresh minty aroma relaxes the body and soothes irritability while its cooling properties relieve headaches and migraines while decreasing nausea. Peppermint’s versatile qualities also include relieving anxiety and tension. Diffuse this stimulating oil for mental clarity or inhale directly; or topically apply to boost senses energisation while alleviating stress-related fatigue.

Rather than starting each morning rushing out the door, take some time out for yourself in the mornings to center yourself and unwind before starting work. Sit up straight, practice deep breathing, and have an assortment of energizing essential oils ready to help relax you before facing another challenging day. For even quicker relief from mental fatigue throughout your busy schedule, diffuse our Feel Refreshed Essential Oil Blend featuring zesty Sicilian lemon and basil oils; that will surely boost your energy.

2. Lavender

lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) essential oil is one of the best-known essential oils, used to elevate mood and increase energy. When inhaled, its relaxing aroma promotes relaxation which may reduce anxiety while providing better restful sleep.

Lavender has many antiseptic, analgesic, antidiabetic, anticonvulsant, antidepressant and sedative properties which make it useful for relieving stress, headaches and migraines as well as burn pain or other injuries. Furthermore, its powerful respiratory effect helps ease bronchitis and asthma symptoms.

When purchasing Lavender oil, it is crucial that you select an all-natural and high quality product. A label clearly displaying its Latin name as well as ingredients and safety information is ideal when using essential oils therapeutically; furthermore, try to find an essential oil company which distills their own Lavender essential oil directly from flowers using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry technology to guarantee superior quality.

3. Tea Tree

Tea tree oil’s camphoraceous scent may be off-putting, but this natural antiseptic also serves as an energy booster, helping combat fatigue, banish mental exhaustion and provide mild burnout recovery support.

Studies have also shown that aromatherapy helps increase concentration and productivity when inhaled diluted and inhaled, though due to being a volatile oil it should be applied topically with caution as it could potentially cause dermatitis in some people.

For maximum efficacy of this stimulating oil, look for an unadulterated therapeutic-grade formulation without additives or harmful synthetic ingredients that could cause unwanted reactions. Also look for products with the Latin name (Melaleuca alternifolia) and country of origin listed. When purchasing, avoid purchasing cheap versions that may contain dangerous synthetic components that could trigger unwanted side effects; diffuse it, apply directly onto wrists or temples or add to refreshing body sprays as an ideal method.

4. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus essential oil, native to Australia, stimulates mental energy and alertness, helping combat fatigue while acting as an expectorant to loosen phlegm in coughs. It has antibacterial, fungal, and viral properties as well as serving as an expectorant that relieves coughs by loosening mucous.

Inhaling eucalyptus oil can be an effective remedy for sinus congestion and tension headaches, nausea and vomiting relief and soothing insect bites. Furthermore, topical applications can also help.

Eucalyptus oil should always be diluted before being taken orally, to avoid accidental ingestion of too much cineole, the main component of eucalyptus essential oil, which has been used as an essential oil component. Oral exposure is rare but may result in symptoms including burning sensation in the mouth, stomach upset, respiratory depression, bronchospasm, chemical pneumonitis and seizures [1][2. The European Sycamore Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) contains highest cineole concentration which has been widely utilized as perfumery ingredients as well as wood preservative [2.