It might seem silly to wash your crystals, and while you don’t necessarily need to take a bar of soap to them, running water can be immensely beneficial. This is because water is believed to remove energy trapped within crystals, whether it be from a previous owner or the last time it was used by you for healing. To cleanse your crystals with water, simply submerge them in a bowl of it for a few moments, or hold them under running water. Afterward, make sure you pat them dry. Some people believe that using a natural source of water, such as a stream or river, is best for cleansing. However, there’s nothing wrong with using what comes out of your faucet.

Just keep in mind that some crystals are not water-soluble. This means that if you do submerge these specific stones in water for an extended period of time, you risk eroding and damaging them. Selenite — a common, powerful cleansing crystal — is one of these crystals. Always do your research beforehand to avoid potential heartbreak and protect your valued collection.