Whether you know it or not, you encounter crystals in your everyday life quite regularly. Table salt, sugar and snowflakes are classified as types of crystals, as are many gemstones—including amethyst and diamonds. 

And while crystals are typically eye-catching, they’re not just beautiful—many of them can be used for various purposes ranging from stimulating the mind and bringing about spiritual healing to being associated with positive energies and financial abundance. Below, we’ve got a helpful list of crystal names as well as their meanings.

Parade reached out to Alyse Bacine a Breathwork Practitioner, Spiritual Mentor and CEO of Alyse Breathes for some insight as to what crystals can do for people, besides just being “pretty stones to look at.”

But first, let’s dig deeper into what a crystal actually is.

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What Is a Crystal?

There are four larger categories of crystals: covalent, metallic, ionic and molecular.

Covalent Crystals

These crystals have a chemical bond where two atoms are connected to one another. They have extremely high melting points. Diamond would be considered a covalent crystal.

Metallic Crystals 

Many of these crystals are hard and strong yet are malleable enough to work with when hammering them. They make great materials for construction because of their thermal and electrical conductivity. Copper, iron and aluminum are just a few examples.

Ionic Crystals

Ionic crystals have relatively high melting points and are hard. But because of their hardness, they tend to be brittle too. A common ionic crystal is table salt.

Molecular Crystals

Soft and low melting points are common in molecular crystals because of the molecules’ weak attraction to one another. You have seen this type of crystal in the form of table sugar (sucrose) and in rock candy.

Gemstones which are crystals, both raw and polished, have been used as far back as recorded history shows, as adornments and charms. They can be striking because of their unique colors and characteristics.

And just like snowflakes, no two are alike either.

According to Bacine, “Crystals hold different energetic frequencies that can support you in creating certain energies in your life.”

Finding the one that is right for you should be easy as mentioned by Bacine, “There are many different types of crystals with different energies and meanings. It’s important to use your intuition and decide what crystal you feel drawn to.”

Keep on reading to find out what the 13 most popular crystals are and what owning one can do for your overall mental and physical well-being.

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13 Most Common Types of Crystals

Amethyst Crystal



A variety of quartz, at one time amethyst was regarded as valuable as a diamond in ancient times. It is known, not only for being eye-catching, but it is believed to soothingly stimulate the mind and emotions. Popularly used as February’s birthstone, it is perfect in jewelry and easily used in its natural form or polished. Bacine states, “Crystals like amethyst assist with meditation and help you reach higher states of consciousness.”

rose quartz


Rose Quartz

Just as roses are a symbol for love, rose quartz too, according to Bacine, can “assist in creating the energy of love in your life.” 

This crystal helps guide all relationships, enhancing the love language of your heart, including your own relationship with yourself. This subtle pink rose quartz can be worn as jewelry or put under your pillow at night while you sleep, if you are working on any matters of the heart.

Black Tourmaline Cyrstal


Black Tourmaline

Although there are many forms of tourmaline, black tourmaline is one of the most common and affordable of the tourmalines. Its beautiful deep black color is from the iron deposits, making it opaque when putting light to it. This stone is a go-to for many who feel uprooted in their lives. As Bacine tells us, “Crystals like tourmaline create a grounded or protective energy in your body or your home.”

And because of its earthy connection, black tourmaline is also excellent for motivating and clearing of negative energies.

Selenite crystal



Everyone needs at least one selenite in their collection. It is a very powerful crystal, cloudy white in nature. Not only is it great for meditation and spiritual work, but it also charges other crystals. By raising the vibration of everything around it, selenite has the ability to cleanse you of unwanted energy.

Citrine Crystal

Buddha Power Store


This yellow crystal emits creativity and light, and “citrine is associated with positive energy and financial abundance,” Bacine tells Parade.

But you need to make sure that you have yourself the real deal when purchasing one. Trace amounts of iron within the earth’s mantle during quartz formation gives the citrine its color. But on the market, cheaper versions are made of heat-treated amethysts or smoky quartz. They are darker than a true citrine, so watch out for fakes!

Jade crystal



Jade is the combination of nephrite and jadeite gems, and was once described by Confucious as being “like a virtue, and its brightness represents heaven.” Often given for the 12th wedding anniversaries, this beautiful crystal is known as the “Dream Stone” and is said to help with creativity and gainful spiritual insight.

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Clear Quartz Crystal


Clear Quartz

This stunning crystal is captivating, possibly from its crystal-clear makeup. This stone will intensify positive energy and strengthen the wearer’s mind, body and spirit.

Not only is clear quartz a therapeutic crystal, but it is a guiding stone regularly used by ancient priests, shamans and healers.

Rhodochrosite Crystal



This alluring stone, pink with river-like streams of white trailing through it, can be worn when someone is looking for unconditional love. It can connect the upper and lower parts of your energy system, helping to declutter years of negative debris that may have accumulated.

Lapis Lazuli Crystal


Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is a deep-blue, metamorphic rock used as a semi-precious stone that has been prized for its intense color as far back as the 7th millennium BC. It is worn for its protective properties and can quickly bring peace to your inner self by releasing stress. Lapis can also boost the immune system, lower blood pressure and cool and soothe areas of inflammation.

Chrysocolla Crystal



This crystal contains copper and is vivid bluish-green in color. In ancient times, it was used to solder gold and make paint. Today, this stone carries refreshing vigor energy that can enhance your life-force energy. If you are looking for fresh energy for your pursuits, then chrysocolla is your stone.

Fluorite crystal



Fluorite occurs globally and in large quantities, making it one of the 13 most common crystals.

A unique feature is that it is the only common mineral that expresses perfect cleavage and perfect octahedron, in all four directions. Its unbelievable colors and designs make this a favorite crystal to many and is quite often used during meditation to bring beauty and harmony into one’s life. Fluorite also glows under black-lighting, adding to its distinctness.




Agate is a common rock formation, consisting of chalcedony and quartz as its primary components, coming in a wide variety of shades of blue, red, purple, black, green, brown, pink, and more. Each stone is also decorated with unique patterns on its surface, and with its wide range of colors, has made it popular for centuries. Native American Indians used moss agate as a stone of strength, and it was successfully used to improve weather conditions.

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Carnelian Crystal



Carnelian has a potent edge in the work it does—and work it does! This warm autumn-colored stone can heal your mind, body and soul. Known as the “Sunset Stone,” carnelian reminds you that some seasons do not serve you well and should be let go.

How To Use Your Crystals

Crystals are physically attractive and can range from charming to exquisite. “When meditating, sleeping or setting intentions, you can hold a crystal that is in alignment with what you’d like to create in your life and use it to amplify the energy of your desires,” Bacine explains.

Here are some ways you can utilize your crystals’ special abilities:

  • Wear them as jewelry.
  • Meditate with them.
  • Carry them in your pocket.
  • Keep a crystal with you throughout the day (maybe at your desk).
  • Sleep with a crystal under your pillow.
  • Place a crystal in the room you spend the most time in.
  • Place a crystal on top of a written intention or list of goals.
  • Bathe with a crystal(s).

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How To Care for Your Crystals

You really need to do some research for each of your crystals when caring for them, as some may need special care. 

Here are a few options you could do to clean your crystals:

  • Cleanse them with Florida water or bury them in the backyard for two to three days.
  • Soak them overnight in sea salt water and essential oils, as long as you check to make sure it is safe first.
  • Place your crystals in a mesh bag and rinse them in any body of flowing water.
  • Store them in an airtight container that is similar in size to the crystal.
  • Keep them dry and away from moisture, preventing a loss in energy.
  • Store them in a place away from direct sunlight.
  • Some crystals are sensitive to heat, so place them in a cool place when storing.

Bacine gives us a bit more detail about how to care for your crystals too. 

“You can cleanse their energy by putting them in the sun or holding them and saying a prayer to clear the energy. You can also cleanse them with water or burn sage to clear their energy. Crystals can activate and absorb so it’s important to cleanse them every so often to keep the energy in the space clear.”

Not only are crystals unique unto themselves, beautiful and admirable, but are meant to be appreciated for their ability to help people with whatever ails them in life.

Bacine recommends “keeping them in a sacred space where you can feel their energy and appreciate them.”

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