Crystals can help to bring clarity and focus to our lives. Whether used during meditation sessions, carried around as personal amulets, or displayed prominently on desks – crystals are powerful tools for mental clarity.

Fluorite helps clear away mental clutter and enhance concentration by clearing away mental fog or distractions, as well as encouraging logical thought processes and problem-solving techniques.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is widely known to be one of the best crystals for manifesting realities, programming intentions and amplifying energies. Furthermore, its use may help focus the mind, enhance concentration and deepen mental abilities.

Leavy describes that she keeps a piece of clear quartz in her pocket to promote mental clarity throughout the day and meditation, helping to center and center herself. Additionally, it can be placed on desks to foster stability and calmness at work – an integral component of spiritual practice.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline (commonly known as Schorl) is an effective crystal that protects against negative energies and psychic attacks, as well as helping release obsessive thoughts to promote a more positive mindset.

Capricorns often experience stress from too much technology. This crystal can help alleviate that by absorbing electromagnetic radiation (EMF) emitted by computers, laptops, Wi-Fi routers and phones.

To activate this stone’s protective properties, hold it during meditation and state your intention, such as “I am shielded against negativity” or “I am grounded in my home”. Additionally, place this crystal strategically around your living space to safeguard its aura.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli doesn’t just focus on your Third Eye chakra like other crystals on this list do; it also takes your Throat Chakra into account as part of its “Stone of Wisdom” designation and promotes clarity, truthfulness and standing up for oneself.

Coupled with Clear Quartz, Citrine amplifies spiritual and intuitive energies to deepen your understanding of your own truth and personal growth. It’s the ideal crystal to use if you’re searching for deep self-awareness or emotional healing; additionally it may enhance dream recall, intuition, communication with spirit guides and spirit communication – as well as providing protection from old patterns of behavior that hinder progress.


Carnelian, known for its bold energy and confidence-boosting properties, can help eliminate fear-inducing self-limiting beliefs so you can pursue your writing dreams with gusto. It encourages imagination while building courage to explore unknown worlds so you can express yourself clearly in your own unique voice.

Fire Agate gemstones carry the energy of fire, sparking passions that may otherwise remain dormant within you and providing direction towards life goals and good fortune. Combine it with Sunstone to further increase its positive influences!


Moldavite is an exceptionally powerful stone for shattering illusion and elevating awareness. Moldavite helps find unconventional solutions to challenging problems while dislodging archaic belief systems and deep-seated emotional trauma, bring latent memories back up for healing, neutralize hypnotic commands, cause visionary states or out of body experiences and should always be grounded afterwards using Hematite or Smoky Quartz crystals as grounding points.

When in need of clarity, meditate with a cleansed Moldavite crystal and ask what the next step should be. Wood energy can bring growth, new beginnings, nourishment, and overall wellness.


Sodalite, known for enhancing truth and self-expression, encourages authenticity and fosters clear communication. Furthermore, this crystal can increase intuition while deepening connections to spiritual guides.

Sodalite’s soothing energy promotes emotional balance and inner peace, helping reduce insomnia, increase immunity and relieve stress. Integrating sodalite into daily life may even help alleviate insomnia!

sodalite is an ancient stone often associated with white calcite veins or pyrite flecks, and often combined with other minerals for unique and powerful energetic blends. Combinations such as sodalite with calcite enhance its soothing and balancing qualities while those made up of sodalite combined with pyrite boost motivation and enhance focus – each stone brings something different to the healing journey.