quartz crystals

Quartz crystals are widely used in electronics for resonance and filtering of electronic frequencies. Furthermore, they act as energy boosters by aligning our energetic bodies.

Quartz crystals are a staple in crystal shops and among spiritual seekers. But, what exactly are they and can they help us?


Quartz crystals come in an assortment of colors. Their hue is generally created by impurities derived either from natural sources or introduced during production processes. Quartz is formed when silicon-rich water seeps into rocks and bonds with oxygen molecules in cavities in rocks, creating crystal formation as they cool – the ideal shape is a six-sided prism.

Amethyst is one of the most prevalent natural quartz varieties and an increasingly popular February birthstone. This beautiful light to dark purple gemstone can vary in its intensity.

Prasolite is another purple variety with an especially distinct green hue, due to iron ions present within its structure and producing star-like patterns called asterism (star-like patterns). Rose quartz stands out with its pink hue which ranges from light to dramatic depending on how concentrated its iron ion concentration is, producing star-like patterns in the form of rosettes in its structure; similarly chrysoprase or green quartz gets its colour from nickel inclusions that produce apple green to light brown colors that creates its name; all three varieties feature optical effects called star-like patterns called asterism when present within their structures whereas Rose quartz stands out with its pink colour from iron ions while rose quartz often exhibits star-like patterns; rose quartz stands out among its many types due to its light pink colouration when present rutile needles are present within its structure while rose quartz stands out with its light pink colour; both varieties exhibit this star effect when present with rose quartz being present within. Rose quartz stands out with its pink tint that ranges between light to dramatic depending upon concentration of iron ions present within its structure if present and may feature star like patterns when present rutile needles present within its structure whereas green quartz also known by name Chrysoprase gets its colour from nickel inclusions that result in apple green to light brown to light brown shades of color from within its structure.


Quartz crystals come in all sorts of forms, from simple termination patterns that run across a stone’s surface to intricate striations patterns or ladder-like grooves. Their colours may range from clear or tinted, translucent to opaque depending on what inclusions exist within their matrix.

The most prevalent form is a single point crystal known as a generator crystal or standing point. This type of crystal is believed to increase intuitive and psychic abilities while at the same time clarifying intention. Other variations include double-terminated points, gemini (twin) crystals, tabular points and window crystals.

Crystal clusters provide more metaphysical formations. Consisting of multiple crystals clustered together, crystal clusters offer great chakra healing properties by breaking up any blockages or strengthening all chakras simultaneously. You can even use crystal clusters directly on the physical body after surgery or illness has altered energy flow issues or simply as an added way of clearing and cleansing a room or space.


Quartz is an abundant mineral on Earth. It can be found in igneous, pegmatites and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks; often associated with potassium feldspars, muscovite and biotite in igneous rocks and with calcite, dolomite or various clay minerals in sedimentary rock formations.

Pure crystal is transparent, while impurities cause colors such as citrine, rose quartz and smoky quartz to form. Some varieties such as Herkimer quartz contain special inclusions such as pyrite or dumortierite that create unique splotchy colors.

Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder (23-79 C.E.) believed that quartz crystals were petrified lightning bolts from Zeus’ thunderbolts and preserved ice from frost giants on Mount Olympus, home of Greek gods. Nicolas Steno developed modern crystallography during this period and discovered that no matter how distorted a quartz crystal might appear, its long prism faces always formed 60 degree angles – leading to electronic use within quartz clocks and watches.


Quartz’s physical strength and stability make it highly valued across various applications. Ground quartz is used for abrasive purposes like sandblasting and scouring soap production; pure quartz crystal is widely utilized for frequency control in radios and timepieces while optical grade quartz makes its way into lasers, microscopes and scientific instruments.

Quartz points arranged in cluster formation, like Cathedral Quartz, can be programmed with intentions and used to boost energy levels, harmonize the environment and heal. They can even be placed in living spaces to clear away negative vibrations left behind from previous occupants.

Double Terminated Quartz helps clear away limiting beliefs and blocks in order to foster compassion and empathy towards others. It is useful for interpreting dreams and visions, channeling Divine wisdom, enhancing spiritual growth and clearing energy blockages from left side of body – this configuration is sometimes known as “bridge”.