An aura cleansing crystal can help clear away negative energy that has built up in your energetic field and restore balance to it. These mesmerizing stones will assist with physical wellness, emotional stability and spiritual connection as they work their magic in restoring equilibrium to your energetic field.

Healing gemstones emit natural vibrations to help clear away energy blocks within your aura. Use the following steps to use healing gemstones as crystals to purge your energy field:

Sunlight bathing

Crystals can help to purify and harmonize your aura, clearing away any negative energies and clearing away psychic debris in your auric field. Black tourmaline is particularly adept at doing this and also deflects radiation radiation radiation and serves as an excellent protective stone.

Other crystals that can help to purify your aura include selenite, Herkimer diamond and lepidolite. Selenite is one of the most effective aura cleansing crystals as it works quickly to purify all energy that it comes into contact with and replace any feelings of anger with helpful, positive energy.

Lepidolite, on the other hand, is an effective aura cleaner which can help you feel calmer and more at peace. It is particularly suitable for individuals who tend to pick up on others’ emotions; empaths may find this particularly helpful.

Singing bowls

Singing bowls have been proven to alter brainwave patterns and induce deep and meditative states. Furthermore, singing bowls help balance chakras within our bodies as well as alter hormone levels within them – providing relief from stress and anxiety.

Auster and Schieffelin argue that the vibrations created by singing bowl sounds can also dispel negative energy from crystals that has been absorbed. They suggest placing crystals next to a singing bowl while it plays to cleanse them and release any negative energy that has accumulated within.

Singing bowls can help you connect with and gain guidance from your spirit guides, providing wisdom and direction. Simply place it near a photo of them or close your eyes while striking the bowl to visualize them while striking. When purchasing singing bowls in person or online be sure they’re made from genuine brass rather than painted plastic.


Utilizing instruments with deep resonant vibrations such as singing bowls and tuning forks, sound can be used as an effective means to cleanse the aura. The vibrations from these instruments penetrate energetic fields to dislodge negative energy and restore equilibrium and movement within them.

Aura cleansing is vital to creating harmony and maintaining a balanced energy field, impacting physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Implementing regular aura cleaning practices such as smudging or sound baths to restore and sustain vibrant energies fields.

The aura is an invisible field of energy surrounding us all that radiates vibrantly with color. It varies with our current state of being and selecting crystals to cleanse it can be highly effective; specifically those which resonate with each chakra such as hematite for protection from negative energies, moonstone for emotional support, or Kunzite which harmonizes discordant energies to bring harmony and serenity.


Some crystals can be cleaned with water, although their composition and hardness must first be assessed on the Mohs scale before placing them into water for cleansing. To achieve maximum effectiveness when cleansing crystals this way, it’s best to find natural sources such as rivers or streams with energetic currents which purify and recharge crystals.

Water can help clear away blockages and boost positive energies when combined with specific aura cleansing methods. You can perform a simple ritual using water by filling half-full glass bowl with sea or cooking salt (or whatever your chosen crystals may be) and placing your chosen crystals directly into it or leaving them on top of it for several hours or overnight, then thoroughly rinsing under cool running water after.

Re-energize the crystals by holding them in your hands while reciting specific affirmations about clearing negativity and adding positivity to their energy field.