Chakra healing stones offer a simple yet effective ancient technique for realigning your physical body, emotional mind and beautiful soul. Each chakra has a stone associated with it which has specific vibrational properties which can cleanse and boost energy flows within you.

One way to experience these stones is by wearing or holding one during a mindful meditation practice.


Chrysoprase is a soothing stone that helps you regain balance during periods of overwhelm or mental exhaustion, encouraging openness to love while increasing self-confidence and helping with forgiveness both towards others and yourself. Green varieties of Chrysoprase may be known as Moss Agate or Chiquitanita.

This crystal is an effective heart chakra healer and promotes hope, balance, and fidelity in relationships. It allows forgiveness between yourself and others as well as release toxic feelings such as anger or jealousy. Furthermore, it generates desire for healthy therapeutic ideas about relationships while simultaneously helping individuals recognize and embrace their uniqueness more fully.

Rinse a piece of Chrysoprase under cool water to cleanse it, or place it next to a clear quartz cluster or Selenite for further energetic cleansing.


Green aventurine works in harmony with the Heart chakra to promote emotional healing and foster feelings of love, compassion and inner peace. Additionally, this stone of luck and abundance encourages wealth creation as well as personal growth.

Physically, aventurine soothes an overly stimulated nervous system by lowering blood pressure and regulating thymus gland activity, helping restore balance to the body. On an emotional level, aventurine offers comforting relief by soothing frayed nerves and creating an atmosphere of relaxation; helping one let go and trust life’s journey.

To harness the soothing energy of aventurine, find a quiet spot and hold a piece in your hand. Breathe slowly and deeply while picturing each breath as bringing positive, soothing energy that circulates throughout your entire body, filling you up with peace and balance.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is an effective chakra healing stone, offering emotional stability, strength and security while clearing your mind and increasing self-trust and confidence. It is the ideal crystal to use when facing distraction from social media and other external energies.

Just like with other crystals, Red Jasper should be regularly cleansed to rid itself of any negative energies or vibrations it has absorbed from its environment. This can be done through various methods – such as smudging with sage or Palo Santo, running it under water for some time before submersion into soil for burial overnight, or simply leaving it exposed under sunlight for several hours each day.

This fiery gem is said to stimulate the Root Chakra and aid the rise of Kundalini energy, as well as providing physical strength, energy and an overall sense of wellbeing.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an excellent stone to turn to when your energy drops and you need a grounding effect. It acts as an shield, protecting from negative energies such as psychic attacks or electromagnetic radiation.

Root Chakra Align with Root Chakra for spiritual development and strengthening immune system and detoxification.

Black Tourmaline can help to balance emotions by helping to release negative thoughts and emotions such as fear and anxiety, helping you build thicker skin for social situations while aligning with Capricorn’s practical and determined energy. Cleansing Black Tourmaline on a regular basis – for this purpose sunlight or full moon illumination would be ideal is recommended – is key.


Carnelian is known as the sunset stone and boasts vibrant energy to ignite creative flames within. It can help overcome fears and boost self-confidence to motivate you toward taking steps toward realizing your goals.

Carnelian can stimulate our solar plexus chakra, which governs our sense of purpose, will, and drive. Furthermore, this stone strengthens immunity while supporting healthy metabolism for improved blood flow.

Carnelian crystal is widely believed to help with issues including indigestion, varicose veins and other skin ailments, strengthening family bonds and encouraging an atmosphere of togetherness within households. Programming your Carnelian is simple – simply hold it in your hand while focusing on what it is you wish to manifest; this will send out signals to both your higher self and the universe so things start moving in that direction.