Crystals, gemstones & herbs can help cleanse, balance and harmonize the energy in sacred spaces such as living quarters, work environments and healing centers. They serve as powerful tools for mindfulness practices such as relaxing the mind or amplifying intentions into reality.

Before using a crystal, it is essential to clear its energy. This can be achieved through either smudging the stone with sage or palo santo, or spending time holding and gazing upon it.

Crystal grids

Crystal grids are an effective way to amplify the energy of your crystals. By arranging them into geometric patterns, crystal grids increase their individual vibrations and strengthen your connection with their intentions. Based on sacred geometry – which holds a blueprint of our universe – crystal grids often incorporate sacred geometry shapes such as Flower of Life and Metatron’s Cube to foster harmony and equilibrium within them.

Once your crystals have been cleansed and you have chosen an anchor stone, start building your grid. Arrange smaller crystals around it in an orderly grid layout based on sacred geometry shapes; such as circle for endless abundance; square for stability and grounding; spiral or hexagon which represent expansion, creativity and flow respectively;

After your crystal grid is complete, activate it by setting an intention for its activation and visualising energy flowing through each stone and connecting all back to its generator crystal in the center. For an alternate approach you could try sound activation methods such as smudging with sage or singing bowls or leaving under moonlight to cleanse and charge all crystals with lunar energy.


If you practice meditation, incorporating crystals into your practice can add new dimensions to the way in which you connect with yourself and with nature. Amethyst, for instance, has long been revered for its ability to deepen our connection to mother Earth while citrine, on the other hand, promotes prosperity and abundance.

When using crystals during meditation, the key is building a relationship and developing an in-depth knowledge of their energy. One approach for doing so would be sitting quietly and noting how each stone makes you feel through your non-visual senses (shading, sounds, physical sensations or visuals).

Once you’ve established an affinity with your crystal, it can be useful to set an intention. This could include anything from becoming more productive or courageous to finding peace and joy in life.

Black tourmaline

Black tourmaline is an exceptional protection crystal that can help defend against negative energy. Additionally, this grounding stone may aid with anxiety as its association with the root chakra makes it useful in balancing spiritual energies.

Black tourmaline can also be used to protect electronic devices like computers and phones from electromagnetic radiation, making it especially helpful if you work from home or spend a lot of time staring at a screen. Incorporating black tourmaline into your decor can also rebalance its energy – simply place it within a protective circle with other crystals such as selenite or clear quartz for optimal effect.

Ancient magicians and witches used Schorl, or black tourmaline, as an effective weapon against earth elementals and lower world demons. Today this powerful crystal can still be used to shield your aura and home against threats while dispelling fear by increasing confidence and self-esteem.

Flower of life

The Flower of Life is an ancient geometric symbol that represents our interconnection and is used as an effective means for spiritual development and manifesting intentions. It’s intricate lattice of interlocking circles promote harmony and unity while its ancient knowledge holds secrets about creation of our universe as a blueprint for our lives on Earth.

According to legend, the Flower of Life contains all four platonic solids –tetrahedron, cube, octahedron and dodecahedron–in a mesmerizing arrangement. These shapes represent elements in nature that contribute to organic life forms; therefore it has the power to reveal all secrets hidden within our universe.

The symbol is often employed in crystal grids to amplify energy and channel it into physical form. It serves as an effective way of balancing yin and yang energy balance during meditation; clear quartz has a soothing effect on feminine energies while dark crystals like smokey quartz provide grounding support to male energy sources.