Spiritual healing crystals can be utilized for multiple reasons, including to improve health and well-being, provide protection, promote prosperity and foster love.

Setting an intention and creating a ritual are necessary steps in using these stones, since their healing properties will only become effective once assigned a task.


Chakras, or energy centers located along your spine from its base to your crown, are said to connect your physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Proponents believe balancing chakras allows people to tap into this vital life force energy and bring harmony between mind, body, and soul.

People believe that when your chakras are out of alignment, you may experience mental, emotional, and physical symptoms such as feeling ungrounded or anxious, experiencing lower back or leg pain, or issues with eyesight or hearing.

Chakra healing involves using crystals with specific colors and energies associated with them to rebalance chakras, such as gemstone bracelets or holding it under their pillow while sleeping – or surrounding their personal space with stones – for maximum effects. There has been very limited research done in Western science regarding chakra healing techniques; however it may provide useful supplements to other forms of treatment like acupuncture or meditation.


Crystals are widely believed to possess the power to help unblock chakras by channeling energy through them, while also absorbing and holding on to any negative energies from those who touch them – making cleansing spiritual stones frequently essential if your intentions include them in your plan.

Many wellness practitioners, from acupuncturists and massage therapists to energy healers, employ crystals in sessions with clients. If someone is experiencing emotional blockage, a therapist might place green malachite crystal on the heart chakra to relieve feelings of anxiety and sadness.

Skeptics of crystal healing might argue that placebo effects are at work when it comes to its benefits; yet even holding one can promote relaxation and increase mindfulness, both of which are key elements for managing stress effectively. Furthermore, its beauty makes a great addition to any meditation ritual or spiritual practice.


Intention is one of the most powerful tools when working with crystals. From clearing blocks and healing emotional wounds, to manifesting the life you want – intentional focus can shift energy quickly. Use specific words when setting an intention such as what, who, when and how while avoiding less productive words such as want or pray as these don’t produce positive results.

Scientific proof for crystals’ power may never exist, yet many believe their vibrations and frequencies affect one’s chi or qi energy flow – the vital lifeforce present throughout everything that exists. Other theories speculate that stones have healing properties due to their formation which allows light refraction, electrical charge change and more.

Before using spiritual crystals, it’s essential to cleanse both them and your mind with water or by burning sage in a room. For these rituals to work effectively, it is best to be alone without distractions.


Rituals are any ritualized practice or procedure that you repeat and practice on an ongoing basis, whether that means lighting candles, walking through nature or making meals. Rituals can range in length depending on their purpose and meaning to you; even something as simple as lighting one candle may become an act of worship and spiritual practice for many people.

People often believe that crystals have magical healing powers to heal both body and mind, enhance sleep quality, help manifest intentions and add an energy healing component to reiki sessions – however there is very limited scientific support to back these claims up.

For optimal crystal healing results, select a stone that aligns with your intention, cleanse it thoroughly and set a clear intention for its use. Once done, place the crystal where you would like its energies to focus, such as on a piece of amazonite stone to promote harmonious communication while at the same time healing your heart chakra by clearing energy blockages.