The Bible describes many gifts of the Holy Spirit, known as pneumatikoi and charismata gifts, which include spiritual abilities as well as supernatural support.

Teaching gifts provide insight and understanding of God’s word, helping believers develop in faith and become mature in faith.

The word of knowledge refers to comprehending Christian doctrine or scriptural truth, or any unfamiliar or unlearned language which requires interpretation. This term can also include cases such as xenoglossy and glossolalia which require interpretation.

Spiritual Guidance

Spiritual guidance involves tapping into wisdom and information from your spirit guides, which could include relatives from this lifetime, past lives or ascended masters that have crossed over.

Your guides may make contact through signs or symbols that appear repeatedly, synchronistic experiences, sudden insights and inspirations, dreams or visions. Sometimes music like an endlessly playing song on the radio might also provide clues. Spiritual guides may appear as distinct energies or images.


Clairvoyance, or seeing energetic frequencies outside of physical reality, can help predict future events and communicate with spirits.

Individuals blessed with this talent may also experience visions or intuitive flashes that go beyond the reach of logic, such as colors, images, symbols or dreams.

Other abilities related to clairvoyant vision include precognition or retro cognition – knowing something before it happens (precognition) or having an alternate perspective on current events (“retro cognition”). Also included is being able to “feel” an aura surrounding someone, animal, or place.


Clairaudience is a form of psychic hearing that allows you to receive messages from spiritual guides. This ability often arises during spiritual awakening and self-development processes.

Clairaudience may sound similar to your inner monologue, yet with more wisdom and intuition rather than anger or criticism. Through it, you may hear voices of your ancestors or angels; inspiration and creativity may also arise as result of this sense.


Have you ever experienced an alteration in the energy of a room or had the ability to assess how someone feels without speaking out directly? That is clairsentience.

To develop your psychic sense, try looking at pictures of people you don’t know well and guessing their personality traits. Or buy used clothing from secondhand stores and try sensing its previous owner’s energy – like an inner GPS! To develop it further,


Clarachievement can assist with spiritual development by offering the ability to reach spiritual heights. These metaphysical gifts combine ancient symbols with various blessings and energies for positive soul transformation and healing, spiritual ascension and positive change at a soul level.

These travel jewelry cases make great spiritual travel gifts, providing protection and energy boost on the go. Their designs incorporate magical symbols such as Hamsa Hand, Evil Eye and Lotus Flower that help maintain clear auras while being away.


People high in claircognizance often receive sudden insights that defy explanation, including insight into the bigger picture and their purpose on Earth.

Have you ever known the answer to a trivia question before it was asked or felt inclined to take an alternative route that led to work only to discover there was a traffic jam? That’s claircognizance! Unlike clairvoyance or clairsentience, which involve outer knowledge gathering techniques, claircognizance involves inner knowledge gathering from within yourself; those skilled at this psychic ability trust their intuition as much as their physical senses.


Clairgustance (or clear tasting), is the psychic ability to taste substances without actually tasting them, often used together with clairalience (clear smelling). Clairgustance may provide information from spiritual entities.

Your ability to develop clairgustance can be increased with this simple seated meditation that opens your throat chakra – similar to what helps develop clairaudience. Give it a try; you might just be amazed by what comes of it.