Crystals have long been recognized for their therapeutic value; from anxiety and depression to migraines, fibromyalgia, and even cancer. My local New Age shop’s description cards bear testimony: Hematite can improve concentration; lapis lazuli can promote self-awareness while amethyst helps facilitate lucid dreaming.

Finding the appropriate crystals can be a difficult process. Here’s how you can leverage their healing properties.


Crystals possess an order and arrangement of atoms that create unique light refraction, electrical charge and vibrational qualities, making them the foundation of crystal healing – which emphasizes that stones can help balance systems and energies within the body by transmitting and amplifying almost undetectable vibrations and frequencies that may otherwise go undetected.

Crystal healers believe that certain gemstones, like quartz and obsidian, possess healing properties that can assist a person’s mind, body, and soul. Skeptics might be surprised to know that quartz has piezoelectric properties which allow it to convert mechanical pressure into electric energy.

Chalcedony is said to have physical healing properties such as cleaning open sores, increasing lactation and combating mineral build-up in bones; Chrysocolla is believed to reduce fear and anxiety as well as improve circulation, aid in arthritis treatment, bone disease diagnosis and lung problems; while Hematite acts as a grounding force.


Crystals have long been used to improve mental health by relaxing the mind and relieving stress. Many believe they also assist with emotional healing by encouraging positive thinking and emotions, such as those associated with stress relief and calming. According to believers, certain crystals are best for specific issues: Peridot is thought to break negative cycles; Amazonite calms anxiety while balancing volatile energies; while Rhodonite fosters courageous self-expression and communication.

Modern crystal healing draws its philosophy from traditional Chinese concepts of life-energy (also referred to as chi or qi) and Hindu or Buddhist chakras – energy vortices which connect physical and spiritual elements within our bodies – although research has demonstrated their effectiveness for health benefits, some experts still hold that belief in crystals may still have an effect.

Many people find comfort in holding, touching and looking at crystals that represent certain intentions for feng shui and meditation. Some claim the intention-based mindset fostered through mindfulness meditation helps strengthen immunity, focus and relaxation.


Crystal healing is founded upon the belief that these remarkable Earthly treasures possess healing, balancing, and emotional wellbeing-promoting powers. Crystals interact with body’s energy fields to realign positive energies while drawing out negative ones through realigning or recalibrate positive ones to bring balance back into balance and remove negativity from it.

Emotional healing requires self-care, including eating healthily, getting enough restful sleep and engaging in regular physical exercise. But emotional recovery also depends on adopting a mindset that promotes mindfulness, resilience and positivity – something Stanford researchers discovered through meditation which can increase immunity while increasing focus and decreasing stress levels as well as improving mood.

Rose Quartz, known for its heart-healing properties, promotes self-love and forgiveness while its soothing vibes promote empathy to understand other people’s emotions. Bumble Bee Jasper helps strengthen physical endurance while alleviating anxiety; Bumble Bee Jasper encourages embracing change while Bumble Bee Jasper can show hidden messages from the past that can reveal hidden messages within it. Picture Jasper promotes harmony proportion and creative visualization and can reveal hidden messages from its past history.


Even without scientific backing, many believe crystals offer spiritual healing. Crystal energy may resonate at a frequency compatible with that of human tissue, thus connecting body, mind and spirit in one single wavelength.

According to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health, many people have reported positive effects from using crystals, including reduced stress, anxiety, pain and fatigue. Though such claims might be anecdotal in nature, they should not be disregarded outright.

Crystals vary in their healing properties depending on both their energy and how you use it, with every beginner guide to using healing stones emphasizing intention setting as essential. You should identify a problem or pain area and create an intention that aligns with each stone’s energy; Rose Quartz can be especially helpful for love because its nurturing energy opens the heart chakra to promote self-love while at the same time soothing sleep and encouraging relaxation.