highquality crystals

Many sellers tout crystals such as citrine (used to “manifest abundance and prosperity”) and amethyst (“helping in overcoming addiction”) as helping you heal; but how can you tell if they’re authentic?

Low prices could be a telltale sign that the crystals you are purchasing may be fake or misrepresented, so pay close attention to descriptions.

1. Convection

Observation and experiment have demonstrated that increased density driven convective flow at growing crystal surfaces leads to statistical disorder, defects and dislocations within conventional protein crystal structures. Microgravity has proven its ability to significantly enhance their quality by eliminating this source of contamination.

When purchasing crystals, take note of their natural features such as inclusions, color variations, surface textures and natural cracks. Crystals that appear too perfect or uniform should raise red flags.

Marti Gutfreund, the founder of Spirit Nectar Gems, sources most of her extensive selection of crystal spheres and quartz towers from Madagascar (though she also sources stones such as moldavite from Indonesia and hematite from Brazil). She carefully evaluates suppliers for both quality and environmental impact so you can feel good supporting her shop.

2. Size

Crystals come in all sizes, with larger ones typically being the best ones. When choosing one for yourself, pay attention to its size and how well it reflects light and color – any overly uniform hues could indicate fakery.

No matter whether or not you believe crystals to have healing powers, or simply admire their beauty for aesthetic reasons, it’s essential that you source high-quality pieces from sellers with responsible sourcing practices. Be on the lookout for clear photos, an in-depth description, and transparent pricing before purchasing crystals from sellers.

Marti Gutfreund sources her crystals from Madagascar and beyond, earning rave reviews for their exquisite selection and descriptive nature (like their trio of rust-colored desert jasper). Marti makes shopping convenient by offering international shipping with carbon offset delivery through Etsy.

3. Color

Crystals can help support intentions or goals for healing, manifestation and spiritual growth. Furthermore, crystals may offer protection from electromagnetic pollution caused by phones and computers.

Shopping crystals requires finding quality sellers at reasonable prices. An extraordinarily low price could indicate unethical or fraudulent mining or production practices in the supply chain, potentially signalling counterfeit products or unethical practices in mining or production processes.

Spirit Nectar of Washington offers carefully curated crystal bundles and spheres from Etsy seller Spirit Nectar of Washington; such as this stunning desert jasper with rare etchings. Additionally, they sell gemmy hematite that offers international shipping with carbon offset delivery via their Etsy shop – this particular piece being particularly coveted for its grounding and protective qualities.

4. Shape

Crystals come in all sorts of forms. When choosing the ideal shape for you, remember that their healing properties remain unchanged regardless of its form.

Crystal clusters (like this smoky quartz pictured below) contain multiple points facing in different directions, helping clear away clutter and provide potency energy. These clusters are generally considered of higher quality.

When shopping online for crystals, it’s essential to seek sellers with full size details, origin information and property descriptions on their listings. Also watch out for sellers offering extremely cheap prices as these could indicate fraudulent or unethical sourcing practices – but rest assured there are ethical sellers like Spirit Nectar Gems that provide rare crystals like moldavite and blue aragonite from Madagascar sourced responsibly and transparently – like Spirit Nectar Gems who source moldavite and blue aragonite from there with excellent responsible sourcing practices in place – like Spirit Nectar Gems do sourcing rare moldavite from Madagascar; responsible sourcing practices ensure responsible sourcing practices while maintaining transparency when dealing with buyers.

5. Facets

Facets of crystals are flat surfaces covered by smooth faces that correspond with highly-symmetric crystallographic orientations, commonly referred to as polyhedra.

Crystals come with different lusters that range from shiny, pearly and pearl-smooth facets to smooth surfaces that glow greasy or radiantly – such as diamonds, quartz and gypsum.

Crystals have long been used in holistic health practices to aid physical healing and mental wellbeing. Aside from their aesthetic appeal, crystals also contain powerful vibrational properties which can be accessed by human consciousness. When selecting crystals for use, make sure they come from ethical sources without synthetic, dyed or painted materials that could compromise their benefits; additionally, read product descriptions carefully so as to ensure accuracy and transparency.