When buying healing crystals online, it is essential to find a high-quality seller. Check for authenticity by looking out for a short supply chain and ethically-sourced stones.

Crystals can bring healing energy and positivity into your home environment, as well as assist with manifesting dreams and desires into reality.


Quartz crystal has become an immensely popular healing stone due to its natural beauty and potential metaphysical benefits. Many believe that its energy magnifying properties help release any blockages and stimulate its use for therapeutic use.

It is widely renowned as a universal crystal, and is believed to have the ability to treat virtually every medical condition such as chronic fatigue, arthritis, fibromyalgia and depression. Furthermore, its properties may help promote spiritual growth and wisdom.

Quartz crystals are an ideal match for Aries, the fiery zodiac sign. It helps balance their passion and ambition with an earthier mindset and helps Leo relax by providing inner calm. Programming quartz requires holding it in your receiving hand (usually left) while thinking about your dreams and intentions while holding in place while rotating over body or home space to release any energetic blockages that have formed.


Jasper is known to promote feelings of security and inner peace. Its earthy vibrations have also been said to help make sound financial decisions and bring balance to one’s energy centers.

As it can aid mental clarity and promote decisiveness, using a gemstone like this is also useful when considering alternative courses of action in challenging situations. Furthermore, using it for physical pursuits such as running long distances, cycling or climbing as well as aiding weight loss.

Orbicular jaspers with circular patterns like Ocean Jasper, Leopard Skin Jasper and Kinradite are said to promote self-love and foster feelings of well-being. Picasso Jasper stands out with its abstract patterns of black, grey and red that bring artists inspiration. All varieties of jasper are believed to possess healing properties – from neutralising radiation through detoxification processes to increasing vitamin absorption by the body.


Obsidian is an expressive crystal with powerfully sharp energy that is believed to unlock hidden truths and promote self-reflection, helping users overcome past traumas.

Obsidian is said to foster courage, encouraging individuals to take control of their lives and speak up when necessary. Physically, this healing crystal may boost circulation and ease joint or lower extremity pain.

Emotionally, obsidian is an excellent reflection of soul and can help individuals address their darkest emotions such as fear, anger, or resentment, leading to greater emotional balance and harmony. Additionally, this stone is great at breaking through mental barriers or limiting beliefs to encourage personal transformation and emotional healing.

This powerful stone makes an excellent amulet for Scorpios, helping them remain grounded while exploring their shadow sides in order to do work that will benefit them in the light. Furthermore, Lapis Lazuli (the powerful blue gem beloved for its soothing truthfulness) makes an excellent companion piece.


Turquoise is an uplifting stone, providing comfort and serenity to those seeking inner peace. It may help promote mental clarity, soothe emotions, heal from past trauma and foster communication skills. Furthermore, turquoise can support throat chakra and encourage communication.

Stone therapy may also help those experiencing respiratory ailments, migraines and sore throats to find relief from them. Stones like jasper are known for bolstering immunity while aiding digestion as well as helping balance hormones and reduce anxiety levels.

Turquoise is an effective healing crystal when combined with other stones. For instance, it pairs particularly well with black tourmaline for protection and citrine for abundance – together, these stones can increase personal power and bring positive energy into your life through synergies between their respective qualities that magnify each other.