essential oils for energy

Essential oils provide a natural energy boost. They help to relieve stress, elevate mood, and increase concentration.

So next time your alarm clock chimes too early and you hit snooze in hopes of just an additional 10 minutes of restful slumber, instead reach for one of these stimulating essential oils to revitalize you!


Lemon essential oil has earned itself the name “Liquid Sunshine.” Its zesty citrus scent with an undercurrent of sweetness is stimulating and energising, offering relief from stress while increasing energy and focus levels.

Essential oils are highly concentrated hydrophobic liquids made of volatile chemical compounds extracted from plants that can be inhaled or applied topically for emotional and physical well-being. Essential oils may be produced via steam distillation, cold pressing or squeezing plant material, chemical extraction or any of a number of other methods.

Essential oils can be used individually or combined into blends to address a wide variety of specific needs, from mental fatigue and morning grogginess to sexual dysfunction and sleep issues. Try our expertly blended Scent to Boost Energy range that utilizes these natural superfoods to keep you motivated and focused!


Peppermint oil’s invigorating scent boosts energy levels and concentration, as well as helping alleviate feelings of anxiety and stress. Perfect for diffusers or massaging directly onto skin for maximum relaxation and wellbeing!

Peppermint essential oil can provide just the boost your day needs to get through it successfully. Studies have also proven it as an energy booster during exercise; peppermint oil has been shown to increase maximum isometric grip strength as well as vertical and long jump performance.

Attributed with anti-inflammatory, analgesic, astringent, carminative, cephalic, cholagogue, decongestant, expectorant, galactagogue, nervine and stimulant properties it helps treat various health conditions. Its aroma can soothe nervous tension as well as balance hormones for digestion promotion and stimulating scalp stimulation to remove dandruff.


Eucalyptus trees, native to Australia, produce evergreen aromatic trees whose oil can be extracted via steam distillation from both leaves and young twigs.

Eucalptus Essential Oil has invigorating properties, and is frequently utilized in spa treatments. Its aroma stimulates scent receptors in the brain to produce feelings of renewal and vitality; inhaling several drops can also aid respiratory wellness.

Eucalyptus oil’s expectorant properties help eliminate excess fluid from your airways. Diffuse a few drops at home or work, or apply topically as needed to ease colds, coughs, or sinus congestion symptoms.

Eucalyptus can be used to relieve seasonal allergies and earaches by diffusing a few drops of its oil in your home or workplace, or applying some directly onto the forehead and temples to alleviate these symptoms.


Frankincense oil benefits include its ability to soothe the mind and promote mental clarity. Its relaxing scent also complements meditation, yoga and spiritual rituals to connect intuition with divinity and establish connection.

Frankincense has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth in test tubes, though more research needs to be conducted before considering it a viable cancer treatment option. Furthermore, it can also be used to treat gum disease and mouth sores.

Sustainability concerns about harvesting and cultivating Boswellia trees – which produce resin from which frankincense essential oil is extracted – is the largest obstacle to market expansion. Unsustainable harvesting practices could deplete tree populations and impair their health and reproduction rates, endangering their survival as indigenous species as well as undermining communities reliant on Boswellia for economic survival.


Orange essential oil provides many wellness benefits and is considered a natural energy booster. It can promote healthy skin, reduce stress and anxiety levels and boost confidence and mood.

This citrus delight boasts some impressive antimicrobial properties as well. One study demonstrated its efficacy by inhibiting E. coli bacteria growth – a risky form that can cause serious intestinal and renal issues when consumed.

These powerful oils are an invaluable way to stay energized and focused throughout the day, aiding your energy levels naturally. Try Isabella’s Clearly ZEAL or Isabella’s Clearly FOCUS to elevate your energy naturally!