No matter how experienced or novice your meditation practice may be, adding crystals can amp up your intentions and provide an energetic boost. From amethyst’s relaxing presence to clear quartz’s clarity or black obsidian’s grounding power – healing crystals make powerful allies in meditation practice.

Choose the Right Space

Meditation should take place in a space that’s comfortable, quiet, and clean – such as your bedroom, park bench or even an area in your own home.

Before using crystals for any task, they should first be cleansed – whether that be by smudging them with sage or leaving them to soak up sunlight or moonlight.

Once your meditation space is prepared, select crystals that best reflect your intentions. Amethyst provides a relaxing presence; rose quartz brings clarity; or selenite can ground and strengthen; you are sure to find one suited for your needs. Keep your grid as simple as possible so as not to overwhelm its energy with too many crystals at once.

Set an Intention

Once your crystal has been cleansed and purified, it’s important to set an intention. Doing this will ensure that its energy is taken in by and amplified by your stone.

Make your intention clear and specific when setting an intention, whether aloud or internally. For example, when using carnelian for confidence and power it can help to state this explicitly rather than simply saying “confidence” or “power.”

Focus on your breath and imagine that the energy of your intentions combines with the crystal’s vibration to achieve alignment between intentions and goals. Repeat this visualization meditation regularly for best results.

Place Your Crystals

Crystals that help ground and balance energy are perfect for meditation. Place one under your pillow or by your feet to establish a connection to earth while supporting a balanced and centered state within yourself.

Crystals can also help your body’s energy centers, known as chakras. You could use labradorite on your forehead to access the third eye chakra or red jasper at your heart to connect to your inner passion and purpose.

Before beginning meditation with crystals, be sure to cleanse them by burning sage or palo santo in the room and submerging them in salt or cleansing mist for at least 30 minutes before adding your crystals for support during your practice. When your meditation session has come to an end, take a moment and thank the crystals for all they’ve provided you with during this journey.

Focus on Your Intention

Once you have cleansed and set an intention with your crystal, it’s time for meditation. Focus on breathing deeply while visualizing its healing energy flowing through you – let this positive force wash away any negative emotions or thoughts and fill you with peace and relaxation.

As soon as you feel ready to end your meditation, take several deep breaths and thank your crystal for supporting you. Doing so strengthens the relationship and shows that you trust it to help achieve your intentions.

Carry or place your crystal in a visible location throughout the day as a daily reminder of your intention, or recharge it regularly by placing it on selenite, holding it under running water, or other cleansing practices like smudging.

Close Your Eyes

Once you’ve settled into your space and placed your crystals, close your eyes and allow their healing properties to radiate throughout you and the room. You may experience vibrations on your skin, sounds, sensations in your body, visuals or other cues that speak directly to you.

At the conclusion of your meditation, open your eyes and take several deep breaths to reacclimate yourself back into physical reality. Keeping a journal of your experiences may also prove invaluable in terms of tracking and analyzing your practice over time. Once done, place any crystals back where they belong or keep them close throughout the day.

Open Your Eyes

Once you feel ready, open your eyes. Imagine your awareness spiraling downward into the crystal’s core while its energy filling your body and filling you with strength.

Selenite, a white crystal, helps you connect to a higher consciousness; it’s often used during meditation to clear the mind and help focus. Citrine brings joy and abundance; sodalite provides clarity around goals.

No matter if you are an established meditator or new to meditation, using crystals can add new levels of relaxation and serenity to your practice. With such an extensive selection of crystals available to choose from, there is sure to be one that speaks directly to you and speaks your heart language.