Crystals have vibrations that are beneficial for our physical, emotional, and spiritual health. They can increase energy, uplift our spirits, and even help us heal.

For the study, participants were asked to meditate while holding either a real or fake crystal and then answer questions about their experiences. The results showed that both groups reported similar feelings when holding the crystals.


The purple gem of calm, Amethyst is a beautiful and soothing stone that brings healing and serenity into the life of its wearer. It is a good choice for people who feel overwhelmed and overworked because it helps them find their center and restore balance. It is also great for decision making and for bringing clarity and focus. It has been long associated with wisdom and spiritual growth because it soothes the mind and encourages us to connect with our higher self.

Its dreamy energy is a perfect match for Pisces, those with creative spirits and deep empathy. It can help keep them grounded and protected from the emotional highs and lows that come with their gift of being able to listen to and support others. It is a wonderful crystal for healing the heart, easing grief, loss, and all shades of sadness. It works wonderfully with the Crown or Third Eye Chakra to promote meditative states and deeper spiritual connections.


Selenite is a natural energy cleanser that purifies and equalises your aura, as well as the energetic fields of other crystals in your space. It is also considered to be one of the best crystals for cleansing negative energies and clearing blockages within the chakras.

It is said to be a great stone to use while meditating and can help with bringing clarity to the mind and spirit. This beautiful crystal can help to alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional turmoil. It can also bring a sense of tranquility and serenity to your life by helping to remove negative ions.

Selenite is said to align and strengthen the spine, making it more flexible and capable of supporting physical movement. It can also improve disorders caused by metal poisoning from teeth fillings and can reverse free radical damage in the body, as well as help with age spots and skin sensitivity.

Super Seven

This crystal helps to cleanse your aura and strengthens your connection to the divine. It is also known to aid with sleep, which helps you feel better rested in the morning and fosters positive dreams at night. It also brings peace and happiness to the home.

Also called Melody’s Stone, Sacred Seven, or Seven Rainbow Aura Quartz, this rare composite crystal is composed of seven different minerals: Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Smokey Quartz, Cacoxenite, Goethite, Rutile, and Lepidocrocite. The seven combined vibrations of the minerals create a synergy greater than their individual parts.

Use Super Seven with other crystals to help bring in more positivity or alone when you need a boost. This sparkly gem is also great for releasing negative energy and removing blockages from the past, as well as fostering a sense of community and inner peace. When purchasing this crystal, look for pieces that are mined in spots that treat their workers well and are mindful of the environment.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is widely used in spiritual practice for its ability to boost mental clarity and steady the emotions during meditation. It is also a popular choice for manifesting and intention-setting.

It is also a powerful protector and helps cleanse the physical, emotional, mental, and energetic bodies. It is often utilized in Feng Shui to balance and purify living spaces by bringing in positive energy and clearing the space of negative energies.

For those looking to power up their intentions, Askinosie suggests holding the crystal in your non-dominant hand (the feminine, receiving hand) while closing your eyes and stating out loud one thing you want to manifest. Then, she says to place the crystal on your heart and crown chakras to open yourself up to more guidance and enlightenment.