As New Age spirituality gained in popularity, retailers opened stores that stocked books, orations and meditation aids for sale. Wholesalers later started providing jewelry as well as smudge sticks (bundles of dried herbs) and candles that invoke chakras or zodiac signs.

Retailers report that adopting the name New Age has helped attract customers while simultaneously dispelling any perception of “weird stuff”. New Age encompasses everything from yoga and astrology to meditation and aura photography.


New Age spirituality encompasses an eclectic variety of practices and focuses. Proponents typically embrace alternative healing approaches while believing there exists divine energy present throughout nature, which should be harnessed through meditation, seances, divination, incantation or divination practices. New Age beliefs also tend to favor pantheism over biblical monotheism.

New age retailers specialize in selling products designed to enhance spirituality, such as crystals, stoned jewelry and essential oils. Furthermore, these stores often organize events promoting spirituality like tarot card readings, yoga workshops or meditation circles to foster this aspect.

Gift stores may stock New Age products like candles and aromatherapy items from Nora Monaco of AngelStar in Morgan Hill, CA. In addition, gift stores can stock books that pertain to New Age concepts like chakras and Zodiac. According to studies conducted, individuals who are spiritually dedicated tend to experience less health worries while recovering more quickly after surgery or illness.


Meditation was once seen as something only the Dalai Lama could understand, but now meditation has become an increasingly mainstream trend backed by science that can improve health, happiness, self-control and productivity.

Meditation can be performed anywhere that provides peace, quiet and comfort. While some forms require sitting, others can be done lying down or walking. Meditation has also been found to balance out left and right brain hemispheres.

New Age stores stock an assortment of spiritual books, smudge sticks and crystals for shoppers to browse. New Age stores also serve as events spaces; workshops relating to Reiki or psychic readings may take place here; the Crystal Garden in Denver holds regular yoga and tai chi classes while Journeys of Life in Pittsburgh host regular psychic readings – leading to additional sales as well as encouraging meditators to continue practicing their practices at home.


Self-improvement is an integral component of modern lifestyle practices. From quitting smoking or making healthier food choices, having a plan and staying motivated are keys to reaching goals successfully. Finding support systems may also prove invaluable in reaching goals on time.

Modern wellness stands apart from its predecessors by emphasizing pleasure and relaxation over hard work and self-denial. This can be seen through Instagram posts tagged #selfhelp and #selfcare which show hundreds of cups of tea, journals with hand-drawn quotes and bed nests filled with blankets and books tagged #selfhelp and #selfcare.

Are you fascinated with learning more about the new age industry? IAP Career College offers a self directed New Age Store Owner Certificate Course online that’s self directed and flexible enough for home study – you can start in as little as six weeks at your own pace.


Self-empowerment refers to the process of becoming more resilient and in control of your life. You can achieve this by accepting yourself – your strengths and weaknesses alike, setting clear goals, and developing an increased sense of self-worth. Furthermore, it’s also important to take care of yourself by surrounding yourself with positive people.

Emotionally empowered individuals possess an advanced level of self-awareness and compassion for themselves, which allows them to navigate difficult emotions with grace. They understand that setbacks and failures are part of life’s journey, using these experiences as opportunities for growth.

From a mental health standpoint, self-empowerment is closely connected with self-belief – something I discussed in another episode – in that it involves accepting your ability to manage your mental well-being and making positive changes in your life. Making this shift towards empowerment is vital in reaching personal goals and becoming the hero in your own story; so if you are ready to embark on this journey towards empowerment begin by identifying and challenging any limiting beliefs.