Holistic healing approaches take into account all three dimensions when treating conditions. Their goal is to prevent health conditions while encouraging lifestyles that support overall wellness.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, advocated self-healing techniques. Even today, many physicians utilize holistic treatments when treating their patients.

Herbal Remedies

Herbal remedies are plant extracts used as supplements to promote human wellbeing and heal their bodies. Herbal medicines come in the form of tablets, capsules, powders, teas and tinctures and may help treat health conditions such as stress headaches insomnia as well as promote overall wellbeing.

Many herbal products are advertised as miracle pills that can help people lose weight or boost energy levels; however, many of these claims lack strong scientific backing. People should always speak to their healthcare providers before taking herbal supplements.

Herbal medicine is part of holistic healing, which considers all aspects of a person – mind, body, spirit, and emotions – when treating illness. Alternative treatments like herbs can be an invaluable addition to traditional medical therapies; however they should never replace standard medical interventions. Naturopathy is one form of holistic medicine which uses natural treatments like herbal remedies or acupuncture as therapeutic tools to promote health.

Dietary Supplements

Dietary supplements are products designed to supplement our diet, consisting of both essential vitamins and minerals as well as non-essential herbs and botanicals that may assist with overall wellbeing. In the US they are governed by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (“DSHEA”) while in EU and Canada they are considered food or food additives.

Holistic practitioners emphasize the body’s own healing powers over treating specific symptoms or diseases, believing that all aspects of health are interlinked and that if any one aspect becomes out-of-balance it can increase risk for illness or disease.

Holistic remedies are natural, safe and effective remedies that use herbal formulas to boost immunity, ease pain, balance hormones and enhance bodily functions. Holistic therapies also incorporate massage therapy, chiropractic care and acupuncture therapies as potential ways of treating both physical and emotional ailments.

Natural Products

Holistic products, whether skincare products or nutritional supplements, aim to be all-natural, organic and cruelty-free while being sustainably harvested/grown. Furthermore, holistic items are usually produced in smaller batches with fewer preservatives compared to commercial offerings that may sit on warehouse shelves for several months or even years before reaching customers’ hands.

Though many holistic users prefer products which remain true to nature, the industry has made significant strides toward scientifically improving natural ingredients and combining them with pharmaceutical compounds for greater effectiveness and results than ever before. Aromatherapy products now use essential oils which have been stabilized to provide therapeutic value and longer shelf life; similar advances have increased effectiveness of homeopathic remedies as well.

Complementary Medicine

Complimentary medicine encompasses various healthcare practices not typically part of Western medical practice, such as acupuncture, massage therapy, Tai Chi and yoga.

Many complementary practitioners take an holistic view of illness that encompasses physical, psychological, social and spiritual components. They believe the body has the ability to heal itself under ideal conditions and advocate gentle remedies rather than harsher ones.

Complementary therapies may provide relief if you suffer from chronic or complex health conditions like back pain, heart disease or cancer. When choosing practitioners, make sure they have an in-depth understanding of their therapies’ science; also choose practitioners willing to work alongside your regular medical treatment and not discourage conventional options from being pursued. Please remember some complementary medicines may interfere with prescription medicines so before trying them please inform your physician first.