Though some individuals remain skeptical of the placebo effect and whether crystals actually work, their presence certainly cannot hurt and may play a vital role in spiritual healing.

To use crystals for healing purposes, first set an intention. Select stones that align with that intention before placing them on a crystal altar and cleansing them using either water or sunlight.

Crystals for the Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) is the seventh chakra and associated with spiritual awakening. It may help connect you to the universe and promote wisdom, self-realisation and blissfulness.

Lapis lazuli is one of the best crystals to use to unblock and balance your Crown Chakra. This potency gem possesses royal mysticism that may help you connect to your higher self.

Lepidolite is another excellent crown chakra healing crystal, helping to calm emotions and promote inner peace. Containing lithium for anxiety reduction, its soothing energy encourages trusting your intuition and listening to inner guidance.

Crystals for the Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is the energy center for love and compassion. It plays an integral part in managing emotions and developing strong, healthy relationships as well as inspiring forgiveness and unconditional love.

Crystals for the heart chakra include rhodochrosite, chrysoprase and aventurine. Rhodochrosite can help overcome heartbreak while healing relationships; while chrysoprase encourages positive thinking to bring abundance.

Aventurine can help shift your focus from your mind to your heart, increasing confidence and self-love. Display a tumbled piece in your home for balance and harmony; including it as part of your meditation practice can soothe emotions while encouraging spiritual healing.

Crystals for the Throat Chakra

Have you experienced intense anxiety while engaging in difficult conversations or public speaking? This could be a telltale sign of having your throat chakra blocked.

Crystals associated with throat charkas encourage clear communication and self-expression, as well as helping you speak your truth so as to live harmoniously with others.

Lapis lazuli is an iconic stone of the throat chakra, revered for its healing properties that promote open and honest communication. Its soothing blue hues have long been used to dissolve blockages that prevent people from freely expressing themselves; making lapis lazuli an excellent choice for writers, speakers, or anyone seeking to strengthen their ability to communicate clearly and calmly.

Crystals for the Third Eye Chakra

Many individuals report that spiritual healing can help restore balance to their Third Eye chakra and facilitate seeing beyond physical reality, connecting with a higher power, and accessing higher knowledge.

Crystals that stimulate the Third Eye chakra can help develop intuitive and psychic abilities as well as give an expanded view of life’s greater context.

Lapis lazuli, or bluestone, is an uplifting blue stone which promotes communication and self-mastery. Composed of lazurite, calcite, and sodalite minerals, lapis lazuli makes an effective spiritual healing crystal.

Before using crystals, they must first be cleansed. You can accomplish this by submerging them in water or exposing them to sunlight and moonlight.

Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra

The Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra governs your fears, sense of power, and gut feelings. When out of balance, this chakra can cause self-esteem issues, stress, or anxiety.

Try Lemon Quartz to help unblock and activate this chakra. This stone of optimism and confidence provides its owner with tools for combatting negative thoughts.

Mahogany Obsidian is another wonderful crystal to use with this chakra, known for its ability to ward off psychic attacks and untie energetic ties that violate boundaries.

Crystals for the Sacral Chakra

Crystals are one of the best tools for unblocking and balancing the Sacral Chakra. Their vibrations amplify, shift and transmute energies to help enhance both mood and energy levels in you.

Carnelian is an ideal stone to stimulate creativity, confidence and self-esteem. Brecciated Jasper cleanses the auric field while inspiring courage to reach for your goals. Other stones beneficial to this chakra include Amber which radiates a gentle yet powerful stabilising force while Citrine brings joy, optimism and happiness – these can all be worn or placed around the home to bring balance to this chakra. Healing crystals may also help bring balance if worn as jewelry or placed strategically around your home environment.