Numerous people use chakra healing stones as jewelry or to decorate their home – sometimes simply as decoration! But these powerful tools must always be handled carefully and with intention.

Chakra stones and crystals are believed to align, harmonize, and balance energy centers within our bodies to promote healing while increasing vitality and vitality.

Root chakra

The root chakra is an energy center responsible for survival, security and physical safety. If childhood experiences left you feeling insecure or unsafe, manifesting abundance in material terms may prove challenging. Rejuvenate your root chakra to build stronger self-worth and personal power.

The Root chakra’s deep red hue signifies its primal instincts of strength and vitality, while being open can bring financial independence as well as an inner sense of security and confidence. If imbalanced, you could experience feelings of restlessness, obsessive thoughts, or fear.

Meditation is the best way to heal the root chakra. Try placing a crystal in the area of your stomach, visualizing a sun-kissed lotus flower and repeating “lam” seed sound while taking 10 deep, slow breaths. Or spend some time outdoors or by water to help ground and balance this chakra – this will foster emotional stability as well as create an important connection with nature and earth.

Sacral chakra

Although there’s no scientific proof supporting chakra healing, these energy centers are an integral part of many religious and spiritual traditions – including Buddhism and Hinduism. For instance, one such chakra located below the navel in the lower abdomen represents sexual pleasure – it’s represented by six-petalled lotus flower and is overseen by Parvati, Hindu’s goddess of fertility.

When in balance, your sacral chakra brings procreation, sensual pleasures and relationships into your life – as well as emotional expression, intimacy and creativity.

Rebalancing the sacral chakra requires meditation or yoga practice. Acknowledging your emotions, engaging with expressive arts such as journaling and dance, or finding creative outlets are also effective strategies for unblocking energy associated with this chakra. Eating foods rich in orange hues like avocados, oranges and sweet potatoes may also help heal it – just make sure that you drink lots of water each day to stay hydrated!

Solar plexus chakra

This energetic hub, commonly referred to as “the power center” or the sun chakra (Manipura), regulates your sense of personal power and intuition. A healthy solar plexus allows for confident decisions and helps navigate challenges with ease.

Blockages in your solar plexus may leave you feeling helpless and uncertain; it could also manifest in digestive issues, stress levels or an tendency to blame others for your issues.

Peridot brings an invigorating spark of energy into the solar plexus chakra, relieving symptoms of apathy and exhaustion while building confidence and inspiring action to achieve success. Try meditation with this crystal to balance and energise your solar plexus, or spray your home or office with its revitalizing spray to give the space an energy boost.

Crown chakra

The crown chakra is associated with spirituality, enlightenment, and an awareness of oneself and of life as an entity. When your crown chakra is functioning properly you’ll experience divine radiance that manifests as pure white or violet light – when blocked it can cause feelings of disconnection with spirituality as well as uncertainty about one’s purpose in life.

There are various strategies you can employ to unblock the crown chakra, including spending time outdoors, engaging in physical exercise such as yoga and meditating, using energy healing modalities and crystals such as clear quartz, selenite or danburite to stimulate this chakra.

To open up your crown chakra, sit comfortably in a chair and breathe deeply before placing both hands together in Anjali Mudra, keeping thumb and middle finger of right hand on top of head with extended ring and little fingers touching each other at their base. Repeat OM mantra as this can help clear energetic blockages.