Crystals make an elegant addition to any home, whether or not you believe in energy shifts. However, it’s essential that gemstones come from reliable sources for maximum satisfaction.

Spirit Nectar Gems on Etsy offers high-quality crystals made with earth-friendly minerals sourced sustainably (their sage harvest is even certified organic!), along with comprehensive source details for every piece.

Spirit Nectar Gems

If you’re in search of ethically sourced crystals, look no further than this Black-owned Etsy shop. With everything from agate geodes to self-love stones curated with care, each piece here has been thoughtfully selected for optimal effects. Their starter sets can help attract certain energies such as prosperity and abundance while simultaneously repelling those such as fear or stress.

Spirit Nectar Gems

This young entrepreneur offers carefully curated rock bundles like desert jasper trios as well as individual crystals like Madagascar agate hearts or giant quartz towers from trusted suppliers. In addition to her vast inventory, this California seller also supports locals and reforestation projects in Madagascar.

Peach and Pixie

Are You New to Crystals or Just Curious? There are countless ways crystals can help enhance your life: wear them as jewelry, place them throughout the house or meditate with one. Each crystal has a specific property associated with it such as rose quartz for self-love or amethyst for clarity.

Spirit Nectar Gems provides transparency into every step of their crystal mining process on their website, including how many hands touched it before reaching its new owner and where it came from. Meanwhile, L.A.-based House of Intuition provides crystals specifically chosen to address particular problems–for instance their Mercury Retrograde kit.

Black and queer-owned Sage Goddess provides a comprehensive selection of raw and polished crystals, as well as wands and other accessories, along with black agate geodes and hematite bracelets. Seven Gems Shop in the Bay Area also stocks an extensive variety of stones; their listing always indicates where each one originates – perfect for anyone searching for their perfect stone!

Sparrow’s Crystal Gifts

Crystals are more than beautiful gemstones; they hold unique energetic properties which provide distinct benefits to those who use them. Sparrow’s Crystal Gifts provides an extensive selection of magical treasures designed to energize or empower.

Celestite (which translates to celestial in Latin) provides its owners with serene auras for restful sleeping, making it the ideal solution for anyone struggling to settle their mind for restful slumber.

Chrysocolla can inspire feelings of prosperity and acute awareness in its wearers, making it the ideal choice for businesswomen. Additionally, it promotes self-esteem and healthy relationships while simultaneously offering protection from negative energies that come their way. Black tourmaline provides protection and blocks negative energies effectively for those dealing with difficulty; black tourmaline also assists those trying to overcome difficulties more quickly while lapis lazuli supports physical wellness through providing positive energy to immune systems while encouraging reconnections with spiritual guardians – making these stones must-haves!

Crystals By Nature

Crystals come in many different forms and colors. Their distinct molecular structures form lattice-like structures throughout solid minerals that determine hardness, cleavage, luster and other traits – an area known as crystallography for research on crystals.

Crystal shapes are determined by their crystal system, which can be identified through the geometry of its unit cell (the pattern of atoms repeated to create rock’s crystalline structure). Common examples are cubic, isometric, tetragonal, orthorhombic and monoclinic crystal systems.

Moonrise Crystals is the world’s leading source for ethically sourced crystals that can be traced back to their mines and verified as fair trade by reliable sources. Their inventory includes 238 types of stones from 39 countries that you can search by healing properties, chakras, zodiac signs or zodiac sign to find what you’re searching for. Furthermore, this company supports local communities in Madagascar as well as global reforestation projects worldwide – something Moonrise Crystals actively contributes towards.