Though crystal energy relies heavily on intuition and personal guidance, having access to useful guides and books is invaluable. Build your crystal library with these beautiful editions.

These crystal books will help you select and utilize crystals more effectively for healing purposes, program them accordingly, charge and cleanse them properly – all key aspects of Mother Nature’s healing stones.

The Beginner’s Guide to Crystals

Start exploring crystals today with this beginner’s guide! Learn all the fundamentals and how to work with each crystal while finding practical tips on integrating them into everyday life.

This book shows you how to use crystals to address specific issues or ailments — like insomnia or poor sleep — by offering various healing remedies that may bring balance, comfort, and emotional healing. It’s easy to follow and features bright, vibrant images that make learning each crystal and its benefits simple and engaging.

This book dives deep into the legend and history of various stones, providing all of the fascinating facts you want to know about each type of stone such as why Cleopatra carried a quartz with her or that Aaron’s breastplate from the Bible contained actual crystals made up of chalcedony and carnelian. A must-read for serious crystal enthusiasts!

Crystals: A Modern Guide

Crystals are believed to have healing powers for mind, body and spirit. This comprehensive guide offers an easy-to-follow introduction to their power. It covers selecting, cleansing and energizing crystals; using them in grids, meditation, chakra healing sessions, oracle cards/tarot cards readings/reiki sessions/yoga practices/oracle water or elixirs as reiki treatments; using oracle water/elixirs in yoga practices/astrology sessions as well as crystal feng shui techniques.

With clean, modern photographs, this introductory kit demonstrates how to channel the positive energy of ancient stones to harness their ability to protect you from harm, bring calmness and tranquility, manifest intentions more easily, enhance concentration and creativity as well as tips for starting and managing a crystal collection.

Crystals: A Visual Guide

Crystals can be powerful tools for healing, energy work and spiritual guidance – they have ancient origins and traditional meanings; this full-color guide introduces 51 of the world’s most popular crystals ranging from quartz to amethyst to zincite.

This guide offers beginners and experienced crystal enthusiasts alike an essential reference in their library for finding and identifying crystals by color, luster, mohs hardness, physical features such as mohs hardness or mohs hardness, therapeutic uses and properties. Perfect for novice and expert alike – an indispensable companion.

This gorgeous photo sourcebook of 100 crystals provides a thorough introduction to their formation, lattice systems, the Mohs hardness scale and energetic concepts such as entrainment as well as how crystal grids can help heal and manifest intentions. Plus, pairings, meditations and healing recipes for every stone – it is a must have for all crystal enthusiasts!

Crystals: A Practical Guide

Crystals can easily be integrated into everyday life in various forms. From placing them around the home and office to carrying one in your pocket or leaving one sitting on your desk – including crystals can help balance out energy in any given environment.

Crystals offer physical, spiritual and emotional healing benefits – in addition to serving as visual reminders – by holding one and repeating your intention aloud, you can activate its vibrational properties.

Crystals shouldn’t be the sole focus of your wellness routine; diet, exercise and adequate rest all play an integral part. But crystals are still a wonderful way to add some positivity into your day! Trust your intuition and take things slowly; any noticeable differences could take several weeks or months before becoming noticeable; checking in frequently is a great way to gauge their effects on you; just like with any practice it’s all about finding what feels right for you!