Crystals can be powerful tools in the search for clarity, enhancing mental acuity and strengthening cognitive abilities. Here are the top crystals for focus and clarity that will help you navigate life with clear intentions and an unclouded mind.

Crystal Curator Rosie Scott shares her picks for crystals that can help calm your mind, increase concentration and help focus on what matters.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is an iconic deep blue crystal known for its healing powers. It opens the Third Eye Chakra while stimulating Throat Chakra to enhance communication and clarity; additionally it has been proven to strengthen memory retention and analytical thinking abilities.

This crystal can help promote a higher state of awareness, stimulating self-discovery and awareness. It facilitates speaking your truth without fear, as well as peace, love and compassion – making it an excellent stone to relieve anxiety or panic attacks.

As with Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli magnifies intuition and increases spiritual insight. Additionally, this crystal is believed to facilitate change while increasing self-esteem – perfect for Sagittarius who thrive on communication! Additionally, Sodalite works wonders for emotional balance and panic attacks relief. You can cleanse your Lapis Lazuli crystal with warm water or use smudging techniques; though keeping away from direct light sources as this could damage its crystal.


Fluorite is one of the best crystals for clarity, strengthening intuition and psychic abilities to keep you centered and focused in times of challenge. Additionally, this crystal has been shown to increase concentration and learning abilities bringing increased productivity at work.

Fluorite, with its rainbow of blue, purple, green and clear hues is said to help emotional healing and promote self-love. Fluorite’s striking hues come from impurities like chromium and vanadium deposited by its minerals; this gives rise to its rainbow of colours.

Fluorite is not only an excellent stone for increasing clarity; it has numerous practical applications in metallurgy and ceramic industries as well. High-grade crystals with exceptional diaphaneity are used as lenses in microscopes and telescopes.


Crystals for clarity include jade because it helps improve communication skills, boost self esteem and rebalance emotions. Furthermore, jade encourages logical thinking while simultaneously increasing intuition. Jade can also help prevent disagreements from turning toxic by encouraging compassion towards all perspectives involved while encouraging peaceful outcomes from arguments.

Thinker’s Stone refers to an object which stimulates rational thought and fosters clear reasoning, while healers claim it helps ease panic attacks and lower fevers.

Ideally, when charging a sodalite stone it should be visualized for at least two minutes to cleanse your aura from fears and self-doubts while clearing away negative energy that’s holding you back. Once charged it should be placed somewhere where it won’t be disturbed; bring it with you for meditation sessions or wear as healing jewelry for optimal use.


With its shimmery, pearly white appearance resembling that of moonlit glow, selenite is often described as the moon’s “moonlight.” This crystal has a soothing energy which helps soothe emotions and make sound decisions, as well as promote spiritual healing and foster more loving, understanding relationships among its users.

Crystals for clarity include amethysts, which help to clear your mind of energetic noise and mental fog, shift heavy energy away, and welcome in fresh, joyful energy that brings happiness.

Selenite can also help improve memory and information retention, so if you have any upcoming presentations or projects that require memory retention boost, try keeping some selenite under your desk or near you for optimal memory recall. It may even help ease awkward meeting vibes while encouraging tact, calm, and composure among participants.