Sage is known for its grounding scent and can help relieve stress and anxiety. Our Smudging collection features bundles and accessories commonly used during this ritual.

Some people use sage bundles and the smoke they emit to clear their environment and cleanse objects such as new purchases or secondhand purchases with possibly negative histories or energies attached.

Smudge Sticks

Smudging is a centuries-old ritual used in multiple cultures to clear away negative energy and promote wellbeing.

Smudging kits come equipped with all the supplies necessary for this ancient and cleansing ceremony: a white sage smudging stick, abalone shell and barred feather. Before beginning this ritual make sure your home is well ventilated by opening windows and doors, setting an intention (this could range from banishing negativity to inviting positive energy into your space) as well as making space in which to do it.

Just light and let the smudging stick smoke gently while you move around your space, similar to incense. Once ready to extinguish it, place it in a fireproof bowl or abalone shell so its embers and ash fall inside; never leave an unattended smudging stick unattended as this could start a fire; if necessary press its tip into dirt or sand until extinguishment occurs.

Wooden Stand

Sage is an effective way to cleanse and purify any negative energy from your surroundings, enabling you to connect more deeply with Mother Earth and her many gifts.

Some may believe that using sage and smudging sticks to clear their homes of spirits or summon demons will attract evil forces into their home, yet this is far from being the truth if done using proper techniques! Sage and smudge sticks should never be used as means for inviting demons in!

Sage can effectively cleanse a home of negative energies and entities without harming anything; even longstanding spirits will leave without warning! When properly used as a smudge tool, sage will effectively rid it of all negativity without creating further issues in your environment.

This smudging kit includes not only white sage bundles but also an abalone shell and wooden stand – both are indispensable components to making smudging easier! Additionally, they fold down neatly for storage of incense burners – giving this set great value!

Abalone Shell

Abalone shells are prized natural resources and prized as delicious food products that link back to the sea and its inhabitants. Abalones also represent a connection with nature through taste.

Abalone may not be as commonly eaten as mussels or clams, but fresh abalone remains an exquisite and expensive delicacy. You can find fresh abalone at seafood markets as sashimi or tartare or sometimes served at gourmet restaurants as sashimi or tartare – not to mention its abundance of proteins and minerals like iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and selenium!

Abalone shells make an elegant and natural way to clear negative energy from your home or office by serving as a smudging bowl. Used with sticks containing herbs such as lavender for relaxation, white sage releases negative energy from the environment and clears away unwanted emotions, while mugwort helps with dreams. When using this technique with an abalone shell smudging bundle simply place stem side down onto flame before blowing out flame and placing bundle into shell gently after it starts smoking.


An optional feather can add another level of ritual when it comes to smudging, helping spread smoke throughout your space more evenly. If a feather comes included with your kit, consider breaking it apart so as to use each individual feather individually or use only one.

Some practitioners prefer crushing their sage bundle before lighting it as this may help activate its natural healing powers and cleanse and purify negative energies from their bodies. Opening windows during smudging is also recommended to facilitate purifying energy and exorcising negative influences from our lives.

Some smudging kits include additional herbs such as palo santo and cedar for those who find white sage too overpowering; these options may provide a lighter scent with refreshing qualities. Additional considerations could include yerba santo, sweet grass or juniper; all are ideal choices to help clear and protect the home or environment from negativity. It’s important to remember that smudging is a sacred practice and should be approached with reverence and reverence.