Smudging is a ceremonial practice used to purify both your energy and that of those around you. Before starting, take time to relax before setting an intention and make a wishful declaration about what you hope to achieve through smudging.
Smudging kits contain everything necessary for starting, such as sage smudge sticks and abalone shells for invoking water as elements of purification.
Smudging (or smoke clearing) is the practice of purifying objects, spaces, or individuals using medicinal smoke from burning sage – an ancient spiritual concept from Native American culture that has since become more mainstream.
The best smudging kits provide everything necessary to begin: a stick of white sage to be burned, an appropriate heat-safe surface (usually a shell or bowl), and something for wafting the smoke around. Prabhuji’s Gifts offers such an abalone shell burner, white sage bundle, and palo santo stick which have all been sustainably and responsibly harvested.
It comes complete with a pouch to store smudging tools and an ornament featuring Kokopelli, an ancient deity believed to bring luck, fertility and success. In addition, there are brief instructions enclosed within the box.
Utilizing the smoke from these plants to clear away negative energies and purify objects and spaces can help cleanse energy channels and spaces, as well as aiding concentration and relieving anxiety. You can incorporate other aromatic herbs like lavender, rose, cedar or thyme into your smudging ritual for added effect.
Before beginning smudging, it’s essential to understand its history as an ancient spiritual practice and treat it with reverence. Non-Indigenous individuals should purchase their sage from an ethical source such as Native American-owned businesses; also keep in mind that white sage is a threatened plant and should only ever be used for this purpose.
When ready to use a smudge stick, start by setting an intention. Next, light and blow on a piece of sage to get it smoking before wafting the smoke around yourself, space, objects or people you wish to cleanse – this process may be repeated as often as needed.
Smudging, or smoke cleansing, relies on the belief that burning herbs releases healing and purifying energy that purifies both your personal and public spaces, banishing any negative thoughts or energies that may exist in them. Sage has long been used as a spiritual herb used for this purpose – its smoke taking impurities from its leaves when released as it travels upstream to cleanse it out of our surroundings.
This smudging kit from a small family business includes two white sage smudge sticks in traditional bundle style, plus one palo santo stick made with sweetgrass and cedar for sweet aromatherapy, as well as a feather fan to waft the cleansing smoke. Sage is grown, harvested, and packaged in the United States while palo santo wood comes from sustainably-sourced fallen trees; additionally this set provides a wooden stand to store the abalone shell safely when not being used; additionally a detailed instruction card also completes this set.
If you prefer not purchasing smudging kits, making your own sage bundles is easy and requires only some white sage and twine. Cut a piece of twine that is approximately four times the length of your bundle before encircling its base and starting wrapping upwards – similar to how shoelaces are tied!
Sage is believed to help cleanse energy in a space and dispel negative spirits, with its smoke changing molecular structures of air molecules to clear out bacteria as it does so.
Sage is known to have a soothing, relaxing effect, which can be especially helpful in relieving insomnia symptoms. There’s even some research confirming its thujone compounds can speed up sleep time – not to mention its exquisite fragrance! So let’s be honest – sage is sure a sell!