Crystals are minerals with distinct energy frequencies that may interact with our energy fields and help heal.
Herkimer Diamonds and Moldavite crystals are known for having strong vibrational energies that raise the vibrational levels of other crystals near them, including Herkimer Diamonds. As such, these two stones may help raise other crystals’ frequencies as well.
Holley Blue Agate
Holley Blue Agate is a highly prized gemstone known for its natural beauty and soothing energies, said to help align throat chakra with sources of divine wisdom and facilitate communication.
Holley Blue Agate can help ease emotional turbulence and bring stability to relationships, while it may support spiritual development and alignment. Cleanse it by running it under water or smudging with palo santo or sage to remove impurities and ensure proper functioning.
Mango Quartz
Mango Quartz is thought to promote joy, enthusiasm, and positive energy. Additionally, it may assist with clairvoyance and connection with spiritual realm.
Mango quartz crystal points serve as energetic directors, amplifying and amplifying the stone’s nurturing vibrations to maximize their benefits for you and others. They make excellent additions to crystal grids and serve as gorgeous centerpieces during meditation practices.
Mango Quartz can only be found in Colombia, resulting in its price increasing to $60-$100 per piece due to its rareness.
Vera Cruz Amethyst
Vera Cruz Amethyst is an iron-rich variety of quartz that acts as a powerful crystal to activate crown, third eye, soul star chakras.
Encourage compassion and nurturing behaviors while helping overcome ego. Connect to angels for spiritual development.
An effective approach to dealing with addiction and breaking co-dependency, meditation helps addicts recognize that they must find their own unique way of connecting to spirit.
Aurora Quartz
Aurora quartz, commonly referred to as Iris Quartz or Anandolyte, possesses an intense vibration believed to lead to spiritual development. People often use Aurora quartz to help establish contact with their spirit guides, and use its energetic vibrations to unlock psychic gifts such as clairvoyance.
As it can help activate the crown chakra and enhance spiritual connection, this stone may also be beneficial in aiding ascension and soul healing.
Star Hollandite Quartz
Hollandite Quartz is an incredible stone for helping you reach your goals. It can boost energy levels, opening doors to opportunities that lead to big rewards.
Crystals can also help encourage coincidences and synchronicity. In addition, it may stimulate clairvoyant ability.
Use this stone in meditation to access higher states of awareness. It pairs particularly well with Amethyst Cacoxenite and Green Prasiolite aka Celestite for maximum effect.
Apophyllite Pyramid
Apophyllite is a soothing stone that is often used to relieve anxiety and stress. Additionally, this mineral may also neutralize allergies while supporting regeneration of mucus membranes and skin cells.
Soul Star Crystals can bring out Geminis’ fun-loving side while simultaneously grounding them with their sensitive twin side. Furthermore, this stone makes an excellent tool for Reiki practitioners as it enhances energy flow while aiding communication between themselves and spirit guides.
Tiffany Stone
Tiffany Stone is a purple bertrandite gemstone with vibrant colors that vibrates powerfully to awaken both Crown and Third Eye Chakras, offering insight into past memories, increasing psychic abilities, and offering higher vision.
Healing energy provided by Reiki balances the etheric and physical light bodies while altering destructive patterns by relieving guilt feelings, hurt feelings, blame issues and maladaptive behavioral patterns.
Dolomite gives this gemstone a soothing energy, encouraging self-compassion during transitional times and encouraging communication and openness.
Beryllonite is a secondary beryllium mineral commonly found in granitic pegmatites. It’s often associated with hermitite, eosphorite, feldspar, quartz, lepidolite and cassiterite and usually forms tabular crystals with coarse faces that exhibit contact twinned twinned contact and penetration twins along with pseudo-hexagonal stars.
Place Beryllonite in your home to promote tranquility and balance across every area of life, using it in meditation to reach out to spiritual guides for guidance and clarity.
Afghanite, named for its country of origin, is beloved among mineral collectors and gemstone enthusiasts. Its captivating blue hues resonant with the Throat Chakra to strengthen communication and intuition.
Aligning the Third Eye Chakra also opens pathways for angelic communication and spiritual enlightenment, inspired by God Varuna to foster feelings of mystical connection and create a sense of enlightenment.
Afghanite can help promote telepathy and heighten psychic powers such as clairvoyance. Additionally, its soothing qualities help relax the mind and promote restful sleep.
Benitoite is one of the rarest gemstones known, renowned for enhancing psychic communication and aligning chakra energies.
This beautiful blue gem was discovered near the San Benito River in California in 1906. At first, it was thought to be sapphire before being sent off to Berkeley mineralogist George Louderback who recognized it as a new mineral species.