Clarity crystals such as Clear Quartz promote clearer thinking and help keep you focused, as well as boost energy when needed.
Place clarity-boosting crystals such as Jet on your desk or set up a crystal grid in your workspace to promote clarity-increasing energies around you. Meditation with clarity crystals may also help promote greater focus and mental clarity.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is an excellent crystal for improving clarity, as its energy amplifies and dispels negativity. Furthermore, its purifying energies help focus concentration while clearing away mental fog to improve memory recall and boost concentration levels.
As the master healer, this crystal is ideal for manifesting realities, programming intentions and amplifying crystal energy. Thanks to its piezoelectric properties, this gem also helps remove negative energies and toxins from physical bodies while neutralising electromagnetic smog or petrochemical emanations.
Clear Quartz is an ideal crystal for psychic sensitivity, awakening the third eye chakra and increasing intuition and psychic abilities. Simply having one nearby your bed or home can promote focus and clarity throughout the day and meditation; its positive energies grounding you can bring clarity of thought as you absorb positive energies around you and ground them within yourself. Incorporating it into crystal grids or healing layouts also makes for great self-healing effects – though clear quartz comes in various forms and shapes!
Stibnite is a metallic silvery-gray mineral with an idiochromatic composition, taking on a dull tarnish when exposed to light. This mineral gets its color from its basic elements of its crystal structure. When incident light hits its surface, electrons absorb energy from all wavelengths of visible light and return back into normal vibrational states for subsequent light absorption; leaving behind either neutral silvery gray hues or modifications such as iridescence or dull tarnish effects.
Stibnite, commonly referred to as a focus stone, helps promote mental coherence and clear thinking by dispelling confusion and distraction. Furthermore, this stone serves as an effective means of increasing intuition and stimulating spiritual insights.
Stibnite, a sulfide mineral found throughout hydrothermal veins and hot spring deposits, often appears as long, needle-like structures or masses with twists and bends that often appear as twisted and bent forms. Stibnite also frequently co-occurs with galena, cinnabar, realgar, orpiment and pyrite and historically was utilized for explosives, metal hardening applications, friction reduction alloys or friction-reducing purposes.
Sodalite is a stone of truth, encouraging honesty and self-expression. It may also assist with relationship problems by soothing arguments, encouraging compassion for differing perspectives, and increasing emotional honesty. Sodalite can also be placed into homes using Feng Shui techniques in order to balance energies and foster effective communications between loved ones.
Sodalite has soothing properties and can assist with insomnia, depression and anxiety. It allows one to concentrate on what matters most in life while encouraging a positive outlook. Sodalite may also aid with balancing all six clairs: clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognizance, clairsentience and clairgustance.
Sodalite is an amazingly versatile crystal that pairs beautifully with amethyst, clear quartz and rose quartz to foster clarity, emotional equilibrium and moonstone for its soothing effects. Additionally, sodalite can also work well when cleansed and charged under sunlight or moonlight, though for best results avoid keeping them exposed for extended periods. Pyrite can help manifest desires and intentions more effectively.
Blue sapphire, the stone of wisdom, can help improve concentration and focus by relieving tension, dispelling distractions and encouraging self-discipline. This can help clear away unhelpful thoughts while encouraging a relaxed approach to problems so solutions may come more readily.
Selenite’s gentle energy has long been recognized for its ability to ease stress and quiet mental chatter, creating the optimal conditions for learning while helping individuals feel at peace with themselves and their environments. Its vibrations may even improve concentration by creating an ideal learning environment and helping people relax into themselves and their environments more quickly.
Black Tourmaline is an ideal choice for anyone who works in busy offices, as it can protect against negative energies from other people while increasing ones ability to listen and understand other viewpoints – which makes it particularly helpful when working on collaborative projects that require teamwork.