Crystal energy tools use positive vibrations and electrical frequencies that can help you feel more balanced, calm and energized. Furthermore, they’re excellent tools for healing and manifesting in life.
Start by setting your intention. For instance, if your desire is to attract success and positivity into your life, use crystals like green aventurine and lapis lazuli in your grid.
Obsidian is an incredibly effective protector and healing stone that offers various physical health benefits. It has also been said to assist in balancing root chakra energy blockages, helping digestive issues, clearing energy blockages and supporting any shadow work practices that you might undertake.
Black obsidian can be used to enhance and focus positive energy towards manifesting your intentions and goals, helping you see more clearly where to go next on your spiritual path. It’s an amazing resource!
Obsidian can be utilized for numerous spiritual practices, including energy healing, Feng Shui and divination. This stone provides strength in confronting our darkest parts while emerging stronger than before.
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz, often referred to as the love stone, is renowned for its therapeutic qualities. Rose quartz can help open and heal the heart chakra, leading to greater love between people as well as compassion, forgiveness and optimism in daily life.
Meditation may also promote emotional balance and help individuals let go of toxic relationships, boost self-esteem and help support a healthy heart and circulatory system.
Rose quartz crystals can help boost energy and motivation while grounding and soothing, providing much-needed calm in one’s life. Jolie DeMarco of High Vibe Crystal Healing keeps one in her “emergency kit” along with stones like amethyst and selenite for use during energetic cleansing rituals like white sage or palo santo smoke to dispel negative energies that accumulate over time.
Jasper is an effective grounding stone that unites its wearer with Earth’s consciousness, helping overcome feelings of inferiority while creating strong senses of self-confidence in its wearer. Furthermore, Jasper can be especially beneficial to people grieving a lost love as its nurturing properties promote feelings of affection and tenderness between partners.
If your energy feels stagnant, a grid of jasper points may help unclog it and restore movement. Their energetic healing properties also make them suitable for menstrual issues and deepening relationships between divine feminine energies and women’s cycles.
To use jasper in a healing energy grid, place the stones under moonlight – preferably during either full or new moon – in order to cleanse and imbue them with lunar energy. You could also try using sage for smudging purposes in order to clear energies and amp up its effects; it would be especially beneficial to do this prior to using crystals for meditation purposes.
Citrine is widely known for bringing abundance into one’s life, particularly in business. Citrine promotes confidence and inspires creativity while opening the way to new ideas that help one reach their goals more quickly.
Citrine can connect with the solar plexus energy center and strengthen personal power and inner strength. Furthermore, citrine also activates the Third Eye Chakra to increase intuition and insight.
Rubbing citrine on your skin can help break down cellulite. Additionally, citrine makes for an ideal bedside crystal that promotes restful sleep and placing it in your wealth corner can bring prosperity into your home or office.
Your crystal grid with citrine points or tumbled stones arranged in hexagon, star or circle shapes is an effective way to focus your intentions for manifesting abundance. Place citrine near windows so as to harness sunlight’s natural energy; placing citrine near a window also draws in natural energy from sunlight itself – citrine can promote healthy digestion, metabolism and increase physical stamina and energy [1].