Meditation provides many health advantages, including calmness, focus and intuition. Crystals can strengthen intentions during meditation sessions as well as open spiritual doors that lead to higher energies.
Before using any crystal, experts advise cleansing it to rid itself of any negative energy it may have absorbed. Here are nine crystals to consider for your next meditation session:.
Celestite is an exquisite crystal that helps you calm your mind and find clarity, making it an effective meditation stone for anyone experiencing stress or anxiety. Additionally, celestite has been noted to aid with releasing negative thoughts or emotions such as resentment or anger.
Resonating strongly with both throat chakra and crown chakra, it provides spiritual insight during meditation sessions. Because of this, it’s considered one of the best meditation crystals for sleep as it can assist with falling asleep quickly and staying asleep all through the night.
Celestite may help strengthen our circadian rhythm – our internal sleep/wake cycle. Many claim that keeping celestite in their bedroom helps promote quality restful sleep as well as increase chances of remembering dreams when waking up in the morning.
Aquamarine, the birthstone for March, is an exceptional crystal for meditation, communication, spiritual healing and opening intuition to receive guidance from spirits or your higher self.
Aquamarine connects with your Throat Chakra and allows for free expression without fear of judgment or ridicule. It helps clear away aura clutter and open psychic channels – perfect for use when scrying.
To meditate with an Aquamarine gemstone, find a peaceful space where you can sit or kneel comfortably and focus on breathing deeply through inhaling and exhaling three times, inhaling and exhaling three times as you focus on the crystal and its energies. Allow the crystal guide you in reaching your highest self through meditation.
Citrine is an energetic stone associated with positive energies, joy, and playfulness. It resonates with abundance energy and can strengthen personal power and inner strength [1]
Citrine can also act as a manifestation crystal, helping you bring your dreams into fruition and manifest wealth. Furthermore, citrine’s energy helps boost confidence and self-worth.
Citrine is an ideal stone to use as an affirmation meditation aid, since repeated positive input helps change subconscious beliefs and attitudes toward your desired goals. You can use citrine crystals with positive affirmations or repeating out loud your mantra while holding them in front of you to increase its effect. Cleanse with moonlight or use selenite plates before charging with sound vibrations (such as singing bowls or tuning forks), cleansing before recharge with sound vibrations from singing bowls or tuning forks; citrine is often known as Merchant Stone to encourage business success!
Rose Quartz
Rose quartz has long been recognized for its “love stone” properties. It can open the heart chakra and bring love into one’s life – whether that love be self-love, familial love, friendship or romantic affection.
Crystal healing helps heal emotional wounds of past experiences and foster forgiveness. Furthermore, its soothing energy reduces stress while encouraging inner peace – making this crystal an excellent choice for meditation practice.
Meditation with a rose quartz crystal requires visualizing a pink ray of healing light emanating from your heart center and filling your entire body. Imagine yourself enveloped by this healing light, filled with compassion for all beings on Earth.
Clear Quartz
Clear Quartz is widely known for being the “master healer”, making it an excellent crystal to use during meditation sessions. It amplifies both your intentions as well as those of nearby crystals – both helping them work more effectively together and amplifying each others properties.
Clearing energies helps to open your mind to deeper meditation states, clearing mental clutter away and giving a boost of focus for deeper meditative states. Plus it’s a powerful way to manifest dreams and goals!
Gitana from Verywell Mind notes that there’s no right or wrong way to meditate with crystals, however she recommends choosing crystals that resonate with your intention and energy you wish to experience during meditation. She further advises cleansing them first with water in order to activate and protect their energies against negative influences.