Discover how crystals can help heal physical ailments, promote emotional well-being and manifest your intentions. Additionally, you’ll gain knowledge about their basic features that differentiate one stone from the next.

Loving Thyself Rocks’ Instagram influencer and author has written this beginner’s guide to crystals for anyone interested in exploring both their science and art. With profiles for 100 stones as well as practical advice for crystal healing techniques, this book makes a comprehensive study.

Crystals for Healing

Crystals may not provide scientific proof of disease healing, yet many turn to them as an alternative medication treatment method. Instead of treating specific symptoms directly, crystals are believed to transmit energy and promote physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing.

For optimal energy healing crystals, start by identifying your area of support. Next, find stones that match with both your intention and feel great in your hand.

Bloodstones are widely recognized for their physical healing capabilities, while amethyst and rose quartz help promote emotional balance and calmness. You could also use crystals to boost your mood, motivate employees or enhance creativity.

Crystal Prescriptions: Crystal Solutions to Electromagnetic Pollution and Geopathic Stress

Hall’s third A-Z directory from her best-selling Crystal Bible series provides insight into the effects of electromagnetic field pollution (EMF) and geopathic stress on health and wellness, providing remedies and healing crystals to address such modern-day health hazards.

She explores crystal use for space clearing and feng shui purposes as well as techniques to shield ourselves from negative energies. Furthermore, she provides guidance on wearing and carrying crystals as well as decorating living spaces with them and designing protective crystal grids in our home and workplace. For anyone interested in crystal healing this book should be an invaluable asset featuring profiles and meanings of 100 stones every crystal practitioner must understand.

Judy Hall’s Complete Crystal Workshop

A comprehensive guide to crystals, this book serves as your own personal workshop in a book. Going far beyond being simply a reference guide, the book features interactive exercises to tailor it specifically to your needs as well as step-by-step learning programmes with journaling sections for notetaking.

This book features in-depth analyses of 12 master healing crystals and an A-Z guide of over 1,000 symptoms, making it the ideal starting point for working with crystal energy. Readers will learn how to cleanse, charge and attune crystals so they can utilize all their potential power. Furthermore, practical charts and diagrams make this title among the most authoritative titles on this subject from an international expert.

Crystal Grids Power

Crystal grids channel energy towards specific intentions, amplifying individual crystal’s power and increasing manifestation potential. Furthermore, crystal grids promote spiritual connection and alignment for healing and personal transformation.

To set up your crystal grid, begin with a center stone and a sacred geometry pattern for guidance when placing surrounding stones. Some prefer starting outside and working inward while others opt for more symmetrical designs inspired by intuition.

Once your crystals are in place, state your intention either aloud or silently before connecting the grid using either a wand or your finger and inviting the universe to infuse its energy into it.

The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids

This crystal grid book provides step-by-step instructions for creating various stone layouts, from healing and manifestation to studying the relationship between crystals, numerology and sacred geometry.

It guides readers in finding the center of a large grid and working out its directional points (north, south, east and west for a room or building). Furthermore, this book gives guidance for setting intention stones, offering crystals as desire stones, cleansing and charging your crystal grids as well as offering tips to cleanse and recharge them.

Readers will also discover how to incorporate the ancient Flower of Life pattern into their crystal grids as an ancient sign of unity and balance.