Sacred Vibes Apothecary

Karen Rose, Master Herbalist at Sacred Vibes Apothecary in Brooklyn’s Ditmas Park neighborhood is on a mission to empower her community with accessible herbalism and ancestral forms of wellness. Offering medicinal herbs, teas and healing tinctures as well as consultation services and classes; her cozy shop welcomes customers of all kinds!

Empress Karen Rose, owner and spiritual educator of Empress Apothecary Rose is a master herbalist and spiritual herbalism educator, offering holistic herbal medicine treatments designed to heal mind body and spirit. Her tinctures, powders and teas contain only premium quality ingredients while her store also stocks various aromatic oils and resins.

Karen Rose of Sacred Vibes Apothecary in Brooklyn’s Ditmas Park neighborhood says her shop is one of the few herbal apothecaries in New York City and boasts an extensive collection of dried herbs, teas, oils and tinctures for sensory exploration at this two-year-old shop on Argyle Road. Additionally, there is an adjoining Sacred Botanica which provides tools to support spiritual practices.


Namaste is an ancient Hindu greeting and salutation that shows respect. Yoga yogis often greet each other using this gesture when taking Tadasana mountain pose or before sun salutations (Surya Namaskar).

As part of an Indian or Nepalese greeting or goodbye ritual, bowing is usually used as an additional form of respect. While in India and Nepal it’s usually reserved for elders or teachers, in the West yoga instructors frequently use bowing as part of their class end greeting routine.

While some yoga instructors use “namaste” as a form of cultural appropriation, others find it an uplifting and heartfelt greeting. Each person should decide for themselves if and how to incorporate this phrase into their lives – its correct pronunciation being: nah-mah-stay; this mimics Anjali Mudra: palms together with fingers touching upward and thumbs at your sternum.

New York Open Center Bookstore

The New York Open Center Bookstore is part of a non-profit holistic learning institution dedicated to expanding people’s minds and hearts through a carefully crafted holistic curriculum. The store offers books about holistic health, authentic spiritual traditions from around the world, meditation, creativity and arts, psychology self development and society/ecology issues as well as short term workshops, educational lectures, international conferences and cultural events.

Namaste offers an impressive collection of holistic and spiritual books, as well as crystals, incense, and reiki candles that could easily keep you engaged for hours on end.

This bookstore is an ideal option for anyone in search of more obscure titles, stocked with everything from early new thought authors to Law of Attraction books. Tucked away in a corner of an office complex, its cozy atmosphere adds charm.