Quartz crystal is an extremely stable material and can be used for precise timing applications. Due to its piezoelectric effect, quartz will expand or contract in response to an electric field, creating an electric voltage which can then be measured.

Quartz crystal is found as a component in many rocks such as flint and chert that are chipped for use as arrowheads, as well as large geodes.

Blue Quartz

Blue Quartz is an uncommon yet extremely potent crystal that radiates energy of self-expression, communication, and connection with higher realms. It encourages spiritual enlightenment while supporting healthy communication – helping individuals meet their life goals more quickly.

Crystals can help to strengthen all aspects of your relationships by increasing levels of truthfulness and openness with those around you. Furthermore, this crystal has the power to activate the throat chakra, enhance psychic abilities, as well as reduce fears and worries.

Wearing blue quartz jewelry may be the easiest way to experience its energetic benefits, but loose stones in your pocket may provide quick healing at any moment. Tumbled blue quartz makes an especially comfortable choice as it less likely scratches skin and cleaner for you to maintain.


Carnelian is a reddish-orange variety of cryptocrystalline stone chalcedony and may feature solid or banded hues. As the perfect crystal for Virgos, carnelian helps them remain passionate and creative without second guessing themselves.

This stone provides nourishment to the female reproductive system (ovaries, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and vagina). It helps alleviate irregular menstrual cycles and cramps; promote responsible reproduction practices; as well as protect from jealousy, hatred and resentment.

Carnelian crystal healing therapy is also popularly chosen by those looking to ease fears surrounding rebirth and death, providing serenity and acceptance into their life journey. Carnelian can promote endurance, courage and vigor while relieving bone and ligament pain. When its time to recharge carnelian simply returning it back to nature will replenish its energy reserves and renew its properties.

Cat’s Eye Quartz

Cat’s Eye quartz is famous for its chatoyancy effect, creating a light-diffracting band when rotated, caused by fibrous mineral inclusions or tubelike cavities aligned parallel within its crystal matrix.

This rare gem holds great spiritual and cultural importance, revered for its ability to protect from bad spirits while drawing good luck into one’s life. Furthermore, its power of intuition strengthening increases awareness.

Artisans frequently utilize this crystal for carving figures and symbols ranging from animals to religious icons. Due to its symmetrical form, spheres made of this stone are popular as decorative elements or focal points during spiritual practices. Rose Quartz serves as an ideal companion stone in providing emotional healing while cultivating loving relationships.

Tourmaline Quartz

Tourmalinated Quartz combines the properties of clear Quartz with black tourmaline to form a stone believed to have grounding properties that help cleanse energy fields and enhance healing abilities. Furthermore, it may absorb electromagnetic smog into positive energy transformation.

Crystals are believed to help balance yin and yang energies and develop intuition and foresight in its wearers, as well as encourage accepting one’s shadow self and breaking destructive patterns that inhibit progress.

Tourmalinated Quartz can be found both naturally and carved into crystal balls for healing and meditation purposes, and is also prized by collectors due to its beauty and rarity.


Amethyst is well known for its soothing effects on both mind and body. It is said to assist spiritual development and develop intuition while creating an intimate bond with our higher selves. Furthermore, amethyst can bring clarity and focus to financial decisions for an easier flow of abundance.

This crystal is an effective detoxifier, helping to purify blood and strengthen immunity. It’s often used as a meditation aid, helping find inner stillness and peace within. Furthermore, it may assist with aligning and balancing Crown Chakra energy centers for spiritual connection and enlightenment.

As with all crystals, amethyst should be regularly cleansed and charged – this can be accomplished through sound waves, smudging or moonlight. When used as a pendulum it can help to communicate which movements represent “yes” and which represent “no”. This allows your energies to sync up with its frequency.