Amethyst is an excellent way to promote peace and break free of negative thought patterns. Additionally, this stone has long been associated with third eye chakra and intuition.

Hold an amethyst crystal in your hands and repeat, “I am at peace” 7 times to stimulate deeper meditation. If searching for real amethyst crystals, pay special attention to color zoning and clarity when searching for one.

Peace of Mind

Amethyst’s soothing energy helps soothe your mind, alleviating mental strain and eliminating negative thought patterns from your life. This leads to clearer thinking and increased intuition or psychic abilities as your state of mind improves.

Amethyst is known to help balance hormones, making it ideal for anyone suffering from PMS or menopause. It is thought to promote healthy sleep cycles by relieving insomnia and stimulating pleasant dreams, and has even been used to ease tremors and headaches.

Amethyst is known for fostering positive emotions while simultaneously helping develop self-discipline and inner harmony. This makes it useful for breaking bad habits such as addictions as well as budgeting and savings efforts.

Stress Reduction

Amethyst is widely recognized as nature’s tranquilizer. It helps with decision-making, intuition and psychic development and connecting to your soul’s wisdom – making it especially helpful for mourning the death of loved ones. Furthermore, amethyst may reduce rage and anger.

Amethyst is also said to promote good sleep and balance hormones, making it an ideal stone for women experiencing PMS, menopause or any other hormonal issues. Furthermore, amethyst enhances and strengthens crown chakra.

Many people turn to amethyst crystals for help with anxiety. It’s important to keep in mind that crystals should only ever be used as part of a wellness routine and should never replace medical advice. For optimal results, hold your crystal during times of anxiety and visualize its calming energy entering through its aura – this can be achieved while either meditating with it or using it like a pendulum in your hand.

Inner Peace

Amethyst’s violet-toned energy makes it the ideal gemstone to help Pisces remain grounded and focused, keeping their creative spirits, deep empathy, and affinity for spiritual journeys on track.

Amethyst has long been associated with spirituality. Its metaphysical properties facilitate and deepen your intuitive experience as well as linking you with higher energies of the crown chakra and beyond. Amethyst is often described as an amethyst “seeker transformer,” making it the ideal stone to expand consciousness, spirituality, and awareness.

Amethyst can also help keep you balanced, calm, and free of negative thought patterns. It is an invaluable stone to use during times of confusion or when making difficult life choices – especially the rare Brandberg amethyst with its unusual inclusions such as Phantoms and Enhydros – making it an invaluable aid for awakening the soul and preparing you for conscious death experiences.


Amethyst is well known for its detoxifying properties, cleansing the aura and balancing chakras. Furthermore, this gemstone provides spiritual growth and enlightenment – it facilitates connecting to God.

Anxiety and depression sufferers will find great relief using crystal therapy to calm their minds and find peace within. Furthermore, good sleep patterns and tension relief are further benefits. Furthermore, this crystal can serve as a great reminder that they possess all of the resources required to select paths which work for them best.

Amethyst can also provide comforting support for those dealing with grief and loss, by reminding them that death isn’t always tragic but rather part of the journey to greater life experiences. It encourages releasing their sorrow while celebrating their loved one’s move onwards to greater freedom.