Amethyst crystal is known to soothe nerves and ease stress. Additionally, it may treat insomnia, sugar imbalances and headaches as well as detoxifying the body and encouraging healthy living habits.

Violet-hued amethysts make an excellent match with spiritually inclined Pisces & Aquarius zodiac signs, with its violet-mellow energy complementing their spiritual energies perfectly. Keep reading to gain more insight into this gem’s healing properties, Feng Shui uses and more!


intuition can be an incredible asset in everyday life, guiding us toward making sound decisions, providing insight into complex situations, and helping us feel grounded.

Amethyst crystal is an invaluable way to heighten our intuition and trust our instincts. A stone with spiritual overtones, amethyst can also soothe feelings of anxiety or fear while providing clarity in dreams or even helping with lucid dreaming.

Amethyst is an ideal stone to help ease stress and calm the mind, making it perfect for today’s fast-paced lives. Used as an amethyst meditation crystal, amethyst can bring peace and serenity into any home, particularly the bedroom where it promotes deep soulful restful sleep.


Amethyst crystals can help with insomnia and provide soothing energy that promotes restful nightly slumber. Their relaxing properties soothe your mind to ensure you fall asleep quickly and remain asleep through the night.

As well as its physical benefits, Selenite can also be an ideal stone to have handy for those suffering from anxiety. Selenite’s soothing nature helps relax both physical and psychological symptoms of anxiety while relieving nausea and headaches – giving this stone its name of balance as it restores equilibrium to your body.

However, it’s important to remember that different crystals can have differing impacts on people. Moldavite and Pyrite should be kept out of bedrooms because their strong energies may disrupt sleep by creating too much intensity; similarly, Torbernite absorbs negativity so should also be kept at a distance from sleeping quarters. Incorporating Amethyst into your sleep routine can act like an energetic lullaby while aiding spiritual development by placing it beneath your pillow as an energetic lullaby while being placed underneath pillow provides energetic lullabies while helping increase spiritual growth as it’s used on third eye to aid spiritual development and spiritual growth.


Amethyst is known as the “stone of sobriety”, helping us overcome addictions – particularly alcoholism. Additionally, amethyst helps reduce libido, headaches and insomnia symptoms and it’s even useful for eating disorders sufferers.

Pisces energy can easily absorb everything around them, so having amethyst at hand is an invaluable way of creating and maintaining safe boundaries in the home or workplace. Furthermore, amethyst may provide relief for anxiety caused by geopathic stress or other environmental influences.

Metaphysical crystal practitioners believe amethyst opens one’s third eye, encouraging spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Additionally, amethyst can bring serenity to those experiencing difficulty grieving the death of loved ones or simply struggling with moving forward after loss, reminding them there’s still life ahead to live and memories to cherish. Furthermore, amethyst can help those prone to anger by dissipating it more quickly if feelings arise quickly.


Amethyst is widely acknowledged as one of the most spiritual crystals, making it an effective tool for accessing your intuition and tapping into its full power. This crystal can calm the mind while leading to subtle awareness; helping facilitate meditation sessions and deepen spiritual practices.

Amethyst is often touted for helping heal grief and loss by encouraging acceptance and helping people move on gracefully with life after experiencing loss. Additionally, amethyst can strengthen personal connections to spirit as it strengthens your connection to angels and guides who provide spiritual support.

Amethyst derives its name from the Greek phrase ‘not intoxicated,’ making this crystal an exceptionally spiritually powerful healing stone. Amethyst has long been used to help with addiction of all types – drugs, alcohol, food or sex addictions as well as emotional ones like anxiety. This may be because amethyst soothes emotions in an emotionally sobriety manner that centers the emotions. Additionally it may help balance hormone production levels; relieve headaches/migraines; treat insomnia/headache; balance blood pressure levels; balance blood pressure levels while blocking geopathic stress from occurring.