Amethyst crystal is an ideal way to gain clarity amidst chaos, provide peace in stressful moments or navigate your spiritual path. With its gentle violet vibes and natural intuition and empathy gifts, its energy makes amethyst an ideal accompaniment for Pisces who possess special talents for intuitive perception and empathy.

Amethyst crystal pairs well with other healing stones for maximum benefits and healing properties. Try out these soothing combinations to amplify its therapeutic powers:

Clearing the Third Eye and Crown Chakras

Amethyst holds an integral connection with the Crown Chakra, an energy center associated with spiritual insight and intuition. Amethyst helps balance this energy center while encouraging inner peace and awakening the sixth sense. Additionally, this purple crystal promotes spiritual growth while protecting its aura.

Amethyst’s violet, soothing energy is an ideal match for Pisces who tend to be overly-empathic, helping others as much as they can. Amethyst can remind Pisces to take time for themselves while still honoring their innate capacity for illumination.

Position yourself comfortably and focus on your Third Eye chakra using a crystal. Use a meditation guide, listen to music or nature sounds, or simply allow its soothing frequency and healing vibrations to wash over you. Carry or place amethyst near you during the day for added clarity-promoting vibrations.

Relieving Anxiety and Stress

Amethyst can help ease anxiety and stress, foster spiritual awareness, induce peace and serenity and can clear away negative energy in one’s aura.

Amethyst is an exceptional meditation stone and, during times of sorrow and loss, can serve as a comforting ally. It soothes our hearts while honoring their lives while serving as a reminder that negative experiences must be shed so as to allow for future positive growth.

Slipped amethyst crystals are an easy and inexpensive way to bring relaxation and calm into the home or workspace. From sacred spaces, meditation sessions or just holding it when feeling anxious; to aiding sleep by encouraging deep slumber with vivid dreams – amethyst can also pair beautifully with Lapis Lazuli as it encourages emotional healing while sodalite facilitates communication.

Bringing Healing into the Home or Workspace

Amethyst’s soothing energy has long been used to balance mood swings and ease anger, fear, rage, anxiety and depression. Additionally, amethyst can ease grief over loss as well as any associated sadness.

Amethyst has long been associated with spiritual development and awareness. It can stimulate both Third Eye and Crown chakras and is believed to help promote spiritual expansion, intuition and heightened consciousness. Furthermore, amethyst may open and enhance psychic abilities.

Askinosie suggests placing amethyst around your body, in your home and workspace to keep yourself calm in times of tension and stress. She advises placing it on your desk or holding it during meditation so as to calm your mind and receive intuitive downloads.

To renew and cleanse your amethyst crystal, take several measures. One approach is to place it under running water (preferably natural saltwater) for one minute; an alternative way would be burying it during full moon nights in order to connect back with nature and remove negative energies. Singing bowls, bells or tuning forks may all work great when used to clear and energize crystals.

Helping to Reduce Insomnia

Amethyst can soothe both mind and spirit, helping reduce anxiety and stress levels and promote restful sleep. Additionally, amethyst helps break addictions – amethyst is often associated with sobriety; indeed its name itself translates as “not drunk.” Keeping some amethyst near your bed or incorporating it into a home altar may support healthy sobriety as well as spiritual alignment.

Pisces born under the influence of Uranus tend to embrace change and welcome enlightenment with open arms; amethyst can provide grounding, balance, and solid connection to higher self. Placing some amethyst on your desk or bedroom table will help keep you centered when working with Uranus’ energies; additionally it may assist in breaking through mental blocks that prevent you from accomplishing your dreams and goals.