Amethyst is often associated with the third eye and crown chakras, providing intuition and increased awareness. Wearing amethyst can help break free from negative thought patterns and provide clarity.

This crystal is an ideal way to help those dealing with anxiety issues relax their minds, ease tension and promote restful sleep patterns while supporting sobriety.

It’s a stone of enlightenment

Amethyst is a stone that works on multiple levels: mental, emotional and spiritual. It brings calmness, balance, patience, discipline and peace while opening up higher minds, increasing creativity and passion, and assimilating new ideas.

Amethyst is known as a healing tranquilizer. It works to calm emotions, alleviate stress and dispel anger, rage, fear and anxiety while stimulating inner wisdom and spiritual growth – and by activating your crown chakra it helps connect to higher consciousness.

Spiritual seekers have long used this stone as part of their spiritual practice, believing it to provide protection from negative energies and psychic attacks. Meditation enthusiasts also find this crystal highly beneficial; its serenity-inducing properties make it one of the top choices when looking to add serenity into a home or office, helping relax nerves and make decisions easier. Try keeping one on your bedside table, or add it to a crystal grid!

It’s a stone of sobriety

Amethyst is known as the Stone of Sobriety and aids in breaking addiction of any kind. It encourages lucid thinking, meditation and spiritual development while supporting healthy cell regeneration as well as helping balance metabolism and the endocrine system. Furthermore, amethyst can open channels for telepathy, lucid dreaming, past life regression and communication with angels.

Reconnective healing also can assist in the aftermath of death by helping individuals to find peace within themselves again and move on without regrets. Reconnective therapy promotes self-love and serenity while at the same time encouraging creativity associated with one’s intuitive self.

As part of maintaining optimal functioning for amethyst crystals, regular cleansing should take place to keep them at their best. One effective method of doing so is running them under warm water; vocal toning, sound baths and smudging can also be effective methods for keeping this purple gem at its optimal performance.

It’s a stone of intuition

Amethyst is an ideal crystal for awakening intuition and strengthening psychic abilities, connecting to the third eye chakra to promote peace of mind, insight, creativity and ease anxiety. Furthermore, amethyst makes an excellent meditation stone and can aid spiritual development and opening of the crown chakra.

Amethyst’s soothing energy makes it the ideal companion for Pisces, who often possess empathy and spiritually guide their lives. Amethyst helps Pisces stay grounded when making decisions and serves as a reminder that they possess all of the knowledge, insight, and intuition required to choose a path which best serves their individual needs.

To open up your intuition, place a tumbled amethyst between your eyebrows when practicing meditation or relaxation, breathing deeply while visualizing purple filling your mind and calming down thoughts. Repeat “I am at peace” seven times to feel an overwhelming sense of tranquillity wash over you.

It’s a stone of decision making

Amethyst can assist in making decisions that align with your best interests by clearing your mind, balancing body and soul, and tapping into your inherent wisdom. Furthermore, amethyst is known for soothing emotional excesses caused by making decisions.

Grief healing crystals can help manage difficult emotions like grief, anger and sadness by helping identify sources of negativity within yourself and providing answers in times of difficulty. Furthermore, grief healing crystals may assist in moving on from loved ones who have passed away more easily.

Pisces water-bearers possess strong creative spirits and profound empathy, and this gem’s violet-mellow energy can help them remain clear-headed when communicating with others or managing their sensitive personalities. Furthermore, its spiritual qualities may assist grievers as well as healing after loss.