The full supermoon is happening July 3rd, at 7:39 a.m. ET. This supermoon has been nicknamed the “Buck Moon.” There are three more supermoons coming in August and September. Supermoons have us examining our emotional, spiritual, and intuitive nature. There aer felt on a deep level to allow us to feel our feelings whether you want to or not. We are being asked to reflect on where we began and where we are headed. This is also a time to honor and applaud your progress, accomplishments, and achievements. This particular supermoon falls in Capricorn and you can use it to manifest your desires.

Capricorn, Cancer, Aries and Libra will feel this energy the most.

This moon is also about coming to terms with female (mother) and male (father) energy. It is also time to come to terms on how that has effected you as well, so expect childhood issues to come to light.

Here is how you can use this moon for your sign:

Aries: Work projects are coming to an end. What is next for you? Time to manifest your dream job or bring back one that was put on the burner.

Taurus: Emotional clarity about yourselves and others are highlighted for you. If you are on a spiritual path now is the time to evolve. If you are not maybe it is time to get on one.

Gemini: Time to form close bonds with yourself and others. If you have past trauma that is blocking you, time to heal those wounds. You can’t love others until you love yourself.

Cancer: Stability in matters of the heart and home are your challenges. Look for the people that speak to your soul, rather than your eyes. When you find these people, treasure them.

Leo:  Wow Leo, you need to read Cancer’s advice. You however also need to incorporate a daily routine and stick to it. You are too impulsive at the moment and it will soon wreak havoc if you don’t take care.

Virgo: Step outside your comfort zone and go for it. Why are you holding back? Make sure however that you have really researched what it is you want. Taking calculated risks without that is not advised.

Libra: Spending down time alone watching movies, music and loving yourself will help you connect to what it is you need to do. Get honest with yourself and let go of the past. I know you will not believe me, but you really will get what you desire.

Scorpio: Wow you really are busy. You need to find time to chill. Maybe a hot bubble bath or dreaming of places far away will help. You need to do alone time to recharge.

Sagittarius: Money, money money…..stop spending habits or your bank account will be bare. Money does not buy happiness. Start loving yourself rather the things you can buy.

Capricorn: Emotions are getting the best of you, but not to worry, they are helping to center you. A bath, meditation or just breathing will bring your heart back to your true self.

Aquarius: You seem like you are the life of the party, but the truth is you are healing from past hurts. Take this time to rest and relax. Time to stop giving unless it’s to you.

Pisces: Oh you gotta have friends and it is time to reconnect. Reach out to those who are on your mind and rekindle those feelings. You’ll be glad you did.