aura cleansing crystals

Crystals can help to enhance and purify energy in both the home and work environments, purifying any negative vibrations and encouraging positivity. Clear quartz amplifies and purifies energy, dispelling negative vibes from energy while Angel aura quartz enhances intuition and promotes peace.

Black Kyanite helps dislodge any heavy energy that has become lodged in your aura and send it back to its source, transmuting into love and light. Herkimer diamond calms anxious thoughts and emotions while Lepidolite balances your chakras.

Sunlight bathing

Each person possesses an energy field that surrounds our body, and this field absorbs both positive and negative energies throughout our day. Aura cleansing crystals such as pyrite or selenite can help clear away these unwanted influences; bathing in sun- or moon-charged water with one of these crystals helps restore equilibrium to your aura.

Other aura cleansing crystals include agate, which is thought to clean all chakras; rainbow moonstone brings new beginnings; and black tourmaline can ground and protect from negative energies. Selenite wands make great tools for clearing away negativity from one’s aura.

Determining what needs to be cleansed can help you select the appropriate crystal. If it’s an emotional issue that needs clearing up, amethyst might help; lepidolite can unclog throat chakra blockages; while selenite is fantastic at dissolving energetic blocks.

Water bathing

If you find yourself struggling to cope with negative energies in your environment, crystals may help cleanse and balance your aura and restore equilibrium. This practice is simple and cost-effective enough that it can even be performed from the comfort of your own home!

Crystals like clear quartz are widely recognized for their energy healing properties and can help protect your aura from negative energy. This icy-looking crystal is said to amp up thoughts and energy flow within the aura, clearing any blockages from it while amplifying other aura cleansing crystals’ effect.

Pyrite can also serve as an effective aura protector, particularly for empaths and sensitive souls. This stone can revitalize both body and aura by invigorating their vitality and alleviating feelings of exhaustion; relieving anxiety by reconnecting you to spiritual self; as well as aiding relaxation through reconnecting back to center. Lastly, using Selenite Crystal – known for purifying all energies that come in contact with it – to cleanse your aura is also ideal for any negativity accumulated from people or environments such as anger accumulated when hanging out with toxic friends or environment.


Aromatherapy enthusiasts may benefit from diffusing essential oils like rose, frankincense, cedar wood and palo santo to clear away negative emotions, bad vibes and energy blockages from their aura. Meditation and visualization practices also can be effective ways to avoid negative energies lingering around – they offer another preventative measure against bad vibes from sticking around too long.

Focus on breathing during this time and visualize clean bright light entering your body with each inhale and exhale; with each exhale imagine any negative thoughts leaving.

On-the-go aura cleansing crystals such as selenite or satin spar can do just the trick, taking less than a minute and working instantly! Selenite is also great if you have difficulty sleeping because it helps clear away energy blockages that prevent restful slumber. Black Kyanite can also help if people or environments drain your energy too much; both stones offer instantaneous solutions.


Crystals are one of the most widely used tools for aura cleansing. Not only are they highly effective and cost-effective, they’re easy to use too; with various shapes and sizes to fit any user’s needs. Plus they’re safe enough for sensitive skin types too! Crystals can even be combined with other aura cleansing practices like smudging or sound baths for maximum effectiveness!

Auras are low-level electromagnetic fields emitted by living things and can serve to illuminate our emotional, mental and physical states. According to some theories, auras consist of seven layers with distinct colors and intensities.

Empaths must strive to keep their auras clear in order to feel balanced and like themselves. You can cleanse your aura at any time you feel necessary, from daily cleansing sessions or during times of transition such as the new or full moon – especially useful if they spend a lot of time around others or dealing with stressful situations.