Aura cleansing crystals help your personal energy field (also known as your aura) remain clean and balanced for maximum physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Black Tourmaline, Selenite and Sunstone crystals can help cleanse your aura quickly by quickly clearing away negative energy and turning it into positive vibrations.


Clear Quartz is one of the best crystals for aura cleansing. It absorbs and intensifies energy to keep your aura bright and clear while aiding mental clarity and increasing psychic abilities.

Smokey Quartz helps cleanse your aura by absorbing negative thoughts and emotions that could otherwise disrupt it. It is often used for relieving stress, anxiety and depression while being useful for helping overcome addictions.

Angel Aura Quartz can help restore balance to your daily routine when life feels dull or monotonous. This crystal is believed to bring rainbow-hued positivity into your aura, helping reawakening playful energy in you inner child and reconnecting you to it.

Labradorite is an ancient stone revered as an amulet to help strengthen and shield your aura, deflect unwanted energies, and heighten intuition. Furthermore, it may stimulate imagination while stimulating creativity to bring about change and transformation in one’s life. Bloodstone may help release any traumas or emotional wounds you may be carrying and enable healing processes to begin more swiftly.


Crystals such as quartz can evoke feelings of clarity, peace, and awareness. Many believe it helps shift energies in higher chakras such as crown and third eye chakras – making this stone ideal for spiritual healing.

Some people like to keep selenite near their entryway tables to help deflect negative energy before it enters their homes, while others place it in their bathroom to promote feelings of purity and cleanliness. Selenite may also help promote restful sleep and enhance dream recall in bedrooms.

Crystals such as amethyst are widely believed to have physical healing properties. In particular, it may help detoxify the body by cutting any energetic cords linking stale energies with heavy or stagnant energies – then sending these back down through nature for transmutation.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is said to have the ability to absorb and transform negative energies, making it an effective aura cleaner. Furthermore, its electromagnetic radiation-protective qualities may make it ideal for individuals working or living in challenging environments. Furthermore, this gemstone may help alleviate anxiety while encouraging introspection for spiritual growth and clearer views of life’s bigger picture.

Black tourmaline’s energy can support the root chakra, which is linked to feelings of security and stability. When balanced properly, its benefits can increase self-esteem as well as enhance relationships by decreasing resentments, selfishness and fearfulness in relationships.

To cleanse your aura, place a piece of black tourmaline anywhere in your home, car or office. Additionally, it serves as an effective protection crystal when placed near doors and windows, or use multiple pieces as protection crystals by placing several in multiple places around your front door and windows. Furthermore, creating a “negative energy removal jar” with half filled mason jar filled with water mixed with sea salt and black tourmaline will allow it to absorb solar energy for recharge purposes over 48 hours.


Sunstone, known for its vibrant energy and associated with creativity, emotional expression, and sensuality, is a beloved crystal used for aura cleansing. It can help dissolve negativity while inducing feelings of joy and empowerment in its wearers. Sunstone also forms part of sacral and solar plexus chakras governing creativity, emotional expression, and sensuality – making it the perfect stone to help cleanse one’s aura!

Sunstone is a type of feldspar mineral composed of copper or hematite plate-shaped inclusions, known as aventurescence, that provide its characteristic shimmery sheen. These inclusions reflect light in various directions like miniature mirrors or watch faces and cause the stone’s unique sheen to radiate with vibrance.

Sunstone can help cleanse your aura, simply place it under sunlight for several hours or use a smudging ritual with it – passing your stone through smoke of sage or palo santo while visualizing any negative energies leaving your aura. Sunstone gemstone is also considered to support Leo individuals and help boost their vibrant and confident energy.