Crystals are incredible energy healing tools that can help to cleanse your aura. They can be used alone or alongside other practices like meditation and yoga to bring about positive transformation in your life.

Use a selenite wand to cleanse your aura. This crystal’s energy-clearing properties make it great for clearing away energy blockages, relieving anxiety and relieving tension.

Sound cleansing

Crystals produce vibrations which are believed to help balance our energetic bodies, thus purifying and clearing away negative energies from our auras. One effective method for doing so is through sound; for instance by playing a singing bowl or tuning fork or by vocally chanting mantras into them.

White noise or binaural beat recordings are another excellent way to cleanse a crystal, as these produce constant sound or combination of frequencies that dispel negative energies attached to it, thus clearing any negative attachments and helping clean the stone itself.

Tingshas are small handheld cymbals which produce high-pitched sounds when struck together, which are said to clear away crystal’s auras and purge their auras of impurities. You can use these on multiple crystals at the same time. Tingsha technique provides an alternative way of cleansing crystals’ auras without using smoke smudging techniques; an ideal choice when dealing with large groups.


Smudging involves burning herbs to produce smoke that is believed to purify spaces, objects and people from negative energies and emotions, connecting you with both yourself and the universe in an emotional release.

Selenite crystals can help to cleanse your aura quickly. Selenite is a white crystal which works quickly to purify your energetic field, purging any problematic energies away and leaving you feeling lighter and balanced. Selenite also is one of the best crystals for dispelling negativity or toxic relationships, helping you start fresh by leaving behind any past struggles.

Before beginning to smudge, it is essential that your intentions be clear. Setting these intentions gives the act of purifying both body and space a purpose and ensures you’re not simply going through the motions. Setting your intention could include saying a prayer or mantra as you wave around a sage stick around – this will make the experience even more powerful and effective!


No matter your experience level or collection size, crystal care should always remain top of mind. When doing this, program your intentions into them to get maximum benefit out of each crystal you own. This process ensures you reap maximum returns from them!

Programming a crystal is a straightforward and effortless process that only needs to be performed once for each intention. Simply place your hand on the stone, state an intention or prayer, and focus your gaze. Your crystal may protect, heal or attract love based on this intention.

Regular aura cleansing can restore well-being and deepen relationships among self, others, and the universe. This practice is especially essential for empaths, who feel energy from everyone around them. If you notice signs of an over-cluttered aura such as emotional problems or unexplained fatigue it might be time for an aura cleanse – our celestial collection of aura cleansing crystals are designed specifically to remove negative energies while stimulating balanced flow of energy in our system.

Using crystals

One of the best ways to use a crystal is by sitting peacefully and holding it in your hand, setting an intention for it aloud, and paying attention to how it makes you feel as it absorbs your energy. Alternately, place the crystal at either your heart or 3rd eye while saying your words aloud while feeling vibrations spread throughout your body. Once finished with your intention, mentally notify it that its task has been fulfilled with gratitude and thanking it deeply for its service.

Doing an aura cleanse doesn’t require psychic abilities – just common signs like difficulty focusing, negative thoughts or feeling disconnected spiritually are enough for most people. Crystals make excellent aura cleaners that can help restore balance to your life and reconnect you to yourself and the universe; some crystals such as Selenite and Clear Quartz may even self-clean themselves!