Are You Searching for an Energy Boost Without Caffeine Crash? Replace caffeine crashes with natural essential oils which provide energy boost. Aromatic molecular compounds found in essential oils pass directly through the…
Crystals are stunning natural formations, created over millennia by nature’s endless cycles. However, mining processes for crystals can have negative impacts on our environment. To protect our planet, look for stones sold…
Crystals aren’t just Instagram-worthy decorations – they’re ancient tools that connect to our inner energies, helping to boost energy levels, heal wounds, and cleanse. Black tourmaline, for instance, is an effective healing…
Quartz crystal is an extremely stable material and can be used for precise timing applications. Due to its piezoelectric effect, quartz will expand or contract in response to an electric field, creating…
Rose quartz is widely believed to be a stone of love and believed to enhance romance, fertility and sexuality. Additionally, rose quartz may help reduce anger, tension, guilt grief and fear thus…
Amethyst is renowned for fostering emotional balance and spiritual harmony, as well as improving clarity of thought and encouraging intuition. Askinosie suggests keeping amethyst in your home and placing one over your…
Crystals are believed to have numerous healing properties, from increasing love to helping people sleep and dissipating negative energy in a room. Rose quartz can help promote romance while amethyst can clear…
Reiki is an ancient Japanese practice for harmonizing energy. Crystals harnessing Earth energies are used to intensify reiki sessions’ healing powers. Reiki stones that are most frequently utilized include rose quartz for…
No matter your philosophy regarding semiprecious gems, crystals make an attractive addition to any home and can even help provide healing powers. But with some research it’s easy to ensure you’re purchasing…
Amethyst crystal is an exquisite and potency stone believed to possess numerous healing properties, from helping relieve stress to encouraging positive thinking and relieving anxiety and promoting peaceful sleep. Rumor has it…