Aura cleansing is an effective practice to purify and strengthen your personal energy field, commonly referred to as your aura. Achieve physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing with regular aura cleansing sessions.…
Namaste Namaste is a greeting that indicates respect for one’s soul, symbolically acknowledging divinity within. Common in South Asian cultures and yoga classes alike, saying “namaste” to each other connects us all…
Clairaudience: the ability to hear messages from the spirit world that can either enlighten or alarm. Distinguishing good and evil spirits: this skill allows one to differentiate between them and can even…
Use your intuition when selecting chakra gemstones and crystals; use whatever feels right to you! Trust what feels good to you. Do not leave stones exposed for prolonged periods, exposing them to…
Native American culture holds that sage can help purge people of negativity while encouraging healing, wisdom and longevity. Some have also reported its scent having a grounding effect, decreasing anxiety levels. Before…
Search “healing crystals” into any search engine and 1.7 million results will come up, showing these stones are not only trendy wellness trend but also popular among celebrities such as Adele and…
No matter the level of experience or your starting point for meditation, adding crystals can heighten the benefits of your practice and help keep you on track to reaching peace. A good…
Though some individuals remain skeptical of the placebo effect and whether crystals actually work, their presence certainly cannot hurt and may play a vital role in spiritual healing. To use crystals for…
No matter your goal – cleansing or increasing productivity – these crystal guides and books will help you harness the power of stones and crystals. From an encyclopedia of crystals to their…
Crystal clarity – or being able to see your goals and dreams more clearly – is vital for success in any endeavor. From managing daily to-dos to planning major endeavors, these crystals…