buy healing crystals online

Shopping for healing crystals can be a fun, intuitive, and empowering process. While there’s no scientific proof they have healing powers, their placebo effect may prove effective.

When purchasing crystals online, the most essential aspect to keep in mind is trusting your intuition and following your gut feeling. In addition, pay close attention to product descriptions from sellers.


Obsidian is a powerful healing crystal known to promote spiritual purification and support personal development. It can assist with clearing ancient traumas, detoxifying body systems and encouraging individual progress.

Black Onyx can also help release stress, anxiety and tension by stimulating the base chakra to provide grounding effects. It has been said to possess strong connections to its healing powers as an anchoring agent.

Obsidian can also assist in drawing out negative energies so they can be recognized and released, making it an excellent tool for use during meditation. For best results, be sure to cleanse and recharge it regularly in order to keep it functioning optimally.


Citrine’s golden glow has long been associated with drawing abundance into all areas of life, and resonates with the solar plexus chakra – associated with self-confidence, courage and mental clarity.

Crystal energy can also help clear and energize other crystals and stones in your collection, making this stone essential. According to studies, its energy can improve concentration, memory retention and mental clarity – making it popular with students as well as professionals alike.

Leavy and Van Doren both concur that citrine can help overcome depression by increasing confidence and inner strength. Simply place a piece where it can easily be seen or handled to take advantage of its effects.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is an exceptionally nurturing stone that brings peace and gentle healing, soothing anger and resentment while dispelling fears and limiting beliefs. Rose Quartz speaks directly to the heart chakra, dissolving emotional wounds and reinvigorating an awareness of Divine love.

If you want to purchase crystals for healing purposes, select a seller who practices conscious sourcing – that means short supply chains with suppliers known to them to guarantee fair wages and working conditions for employees. Energy Muse is one such seller offering tumbled and carved crystals as well as spheres. Plus they donate part of each sale back into charity!


Red Jasper is an exceptional nurturer and healer that revitalizes physical bodies, providing relief for anxiety, stress, illness immunity boost, energy balance stabilization, clearing away blockages from the etheric body as well as accessing inner power.

This stone can be an extremely effective emotional healer. It soothes heartbreaks and broken dreams while helping the bearer regain control over their emotions.

Jasper is the stone of the first chakra, stimulating your “chi” or life force and providing physical strength, endurance and emotional balance. For optimal healing effects it is recommended to regularly clean and recharge your crystals to maintain their healing powers.


Moonstone is an emotional healing stone, providing emotional comfort and balance. Additionally, it can assist those experiencing hormonal imbalances during adolescence or menopause.

Crystals like Selenite are known for fostering intuition and increasing psychic abilities such as lucid dreaming. Meditation with this crystal helps bring peace and tranquility.

Moonstone pairs well with crystals like quartz, amethyst, and selenite as their energies complement that of this healing gemstone. For optimal results it should be cleansed using both water and sunlight or placed under a full or waxing moon’s light for best results.


Selenite crystal healing brings peace and serenity to both mind, body, and soul. By clearing away negative energy and replacing it with vibrant white light, this therapy promotes happy relationships while giving us insight into our connection to the cosmos.

Selenite can also be used to create energy grids in the home and garden to cleanse, amplify, and purify. Selenite has also proven particularly helpful in relieving anxiety. Jayne recommends using one before giving someone a Reiki treatment so as to clear their energy and ease any tension they may be feeling.

To charge Selenite, place it under direct sunlight or under a full moon for several hours.