Shopping for healing crystals has become an increasing wellness trend. From established rock emporiums to Etsy sellers, there is a wide range of shops selling them – be sure to choose a store with a short supply chain to ensure the stones haven’t passed through multiple hands or mined under unsafe conditions.


Obsidian can help to cleanse negative energy from your aura and protect you from others’ bad vibes, while simultaneously helping release fears, traumas and triggers so you can emotionally heal.

Opals are an invaluable aid for spiritual healing as their vibration resonates closely with your base chakra, representing your connection to earth. Additionally, this stone serves as protection when undertaking spiritual practices which may bring up feelings of fear or worry.

Crystal-Infused Water Bottles

There has been no research conducted to support claims that crystal-infused water bottles offer any tangible health benefits; however, they may offer psychological relief through placebo effect.

Clear Quartz is said to help cleanse physical, mental, and emotional bodies as well as develop connections to Spirit. Furthermore, it promotes clarity and improves memory.

Make use of a high-quality crystal-infused water bottle and place crystals inside before filling it up with pure drinking water. Visualize your intention, and let the crystals bring their healing energy into your drinking water supply.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz connects strongly with the heart chakra, helping it become activated and balanced. It encourages forgiveness and unconditional love between humans.

Strengthen the cardiovascular and circulatory systems, treat lung and kidney conditions, alleviate vertigo symptoms and help with childhood trauma by relieving negative emotions such as anger and fear while encouraging self-forgiveness.

Rose Quartz should always be close by as its healing energy of compassion and love are invaluable. Use it as an energetically elevating decoration or cluster it with other crystals for an energetically rejuvenating space!


Citrine exudes radiant energy that promotes joy, spontaneity and vibrancy. It helps heal the spirit by banishing negative emotions such as fear, anger and depression while simultaneously stimulating self-improvement and personal clarity.

Yellow citrine is an invaluable healing crystal that can reduce negativity while strengthening intuition. Additionally, yellow citrine provides new enjoyments and interests which bring more lightness into our lives and relationships.

Gold Ray energy activates and opens Solar Plexus and Sacral Chakra chakras for maximum benefit and prosperity in career, home, and business life.


Amethyst, an attractive violet mellow crystal, helps balance emotions. It provides comfort against anxiety, fear, grief, loss, sadness and rage while acting as a natural tranquilizer that reduces geopathic stress.

Amethyst is an effective healing stone, offering numerous health benefits including increased cell regeneration and treatment for insomnia, headaches, head and brain disease as well as hormonal balance issues. Additionally it detoxifies the body, stimulates intuition and heightens psychic capabilities – available as either a point, cluster or geode.


This blue crystal can help anyone looking for purification. It fosters divine communication and higher thinking while soothing emotions and soothing your soul.

Healing of the Throat Chakra allows for relief from issues like sore throats, respiratory conditions, migraines, allergies and more. Furthermore, its soothing energy relieves anticipatory anxiety while encouraging sound sleep on long flights.


As an ancient symbol of luck and manifestation of dreams, Jade has long been seen as an auspicious stone to attract prosperity and manifest them into reality. Additionally, it acts as a calming stone that helps balance both your mind and heart.

Crystal therapists suggest using a Jade point or wand for channeling energy during healing practices and aligning it with the heart chakra, thus encouraging love and kindness. To maximize its balancing effects, opt for round stones.


Tourmaline is a highly prized gem among feng shui practitioners, widely believed to improve any space used for calm reflection, prayer or meditation by helping balance energy flow and maintain equilibrium in an area.

Black tourmaline can also help cleanse spaces and heal individuals who are involved in toxic relationships, while its power to uncover deeper hidden causes for negative behaviors or reactions towards others has long been recognized.

Decoration Your home with black tourmaline crystals to bring positive energy into the room and increase productivity and creativity. Display them on an office desk, coffee table or bedroom.

Quartz Crystals

Some people use crystals to help achieve specific intentions, like rose quartz for self-love or hematoid quartz to balance chakras. Hematite and quartz can also be combined in healing grids to amplify energy and bring clarity to both mind and body.

Hematoid quartz has energies that connect with different chakras, depending on its iron content. It is commonly used to balance and align chakras, promote optimism, strengthen immunity systems, aid meditation focus sessions and enhance mental ability.