No matter your opinion of crystals’ therapeutic potential or beauty alone, no one can deny they look beautiful. To add some stunning crystals to your home and enhance its decor, consider purchasing online.

However, when purchasing crystals online it’s essential to be wary of certain scams. Here are a few tips to help avoid them:

How to Shop for Healing Crystals Online

Add crystals to your home, office or meditation space to balance and harmonize its natural energy field. Different crystals may contain healing properties dependent on their internal structures and vibrational frequencies.

While searching for crystals, it’s essential to pay close attention to sellers’ descriptions. Find reliable sellers who understand the healing properties of each stone they sell, read product descriptions carefully to verify if sellers provide full size details, crystal information and origin, as well as authentic sellers who don’t overcharge for their crystals.

Below are 13 online crystal shops which have carefully chosen their products and provide detailed information about each stone’s healing properties, making their selection of crystals and gemstones suitable for beginners.

Choosing the Right Crystal

Are You New to Crystal Healing? Selecting the Appropriate Crystal can Be Easier with These Tools

One of the easiest and most intuitive ways to select a crystal is letting your intuition lead you. Simply close your eyes, clear your mind, and open your heart; any crystal that catches your attention might just be what’s meant for you in life.

Another method for pendulum use, commonly referred to as dowsing, involves placing crystals on a table and using your intuition as you pass your pendulum over them – noting any changes in swing direction between each one you inspect. Repeat this step over each crystal in consideration until all directions of swing have been recorded for all crystals considered.

If a crystal seems distant or disengages itself from you, let it go with love. This could be an indicator that it has served its purpose and it is time for it to leave us behind.

Getting Started with a Healing Crystal

Starting out with crystals is easier than you may realize. Instead of diving straight into learning their properties, start by following your intuition to select one that feels right – whether its color or physical feel draws your eye – let your subconscious guide your choice.

Every beginner guide to crystal healing emphasizes the importance of aligning your intentions with a crystal. If you need courage to approach someone about an uncomfortable subject, use tiger eye as it could provide extra support in such difficult conversations.

When shopping online for crystals, always carefully examine seller photos to ensure that what you receive meets all of your specifications. Pay particular attention to clarity, size and color before opting for sellers who prioritize conscious sourcing to ensure that stones have been mined ethically and transported responsibly.

Using a Healing Crystal

Crystals have become an increasingly popular part of people’s wellness routines, believed to contain metaphysical properties that help heal mind, body, and soul. Crystals can often be found used alongside meditation and mindfulness practices for maximum effect.

Some of the most well-known healing crystals include amethyst, which is said to promote peace and tranquility; rose quartz, which promotes love between individuals; and clear quartz for meditation purposes. Hematite crystal is known for grounding and calming effects while black obsidian is said to absorb negative energy, while tiger’s eye provides strength during challenging times.

When purchasing crystals, it’s essential that you source them ethically from trusted sellers. Dyed or treated crystals may alter their natural healing properties and should also be cleaned regularly to rid yourself of unwanted energies.