Chakra healing stones are believed to help balance and cleanse one’s energy, making them ideal for use during Reiki, massage and other forms of energy-healing sessions.

When using chakra stones, be sure to regularly place them under natural sunlight or moonlight for washing – this will clear any negative energy and prepare them for use.

The Benefits of Chakra Healing

Chakra stones and crystals can be powerful healing tools for balancing the chakras and supporting overall health. They work by absorbing negative energy while emitting positive rays back out to promote a smooth energy flow within your body.

Balanced chakras lead to emotional stability and spiritual connection. You feel strong, secure, and empowered – qualities particularly helpful if you struggle with feelings of insecurity and isolation. Chakra stones may help with these conditions as well.

Awakening your sacral chakra can boost self-confidence and creativity while improving relationships and encouraging risk-taking. Carnelian is an excellent stone to use when activating this chakra, revitalizing creative energies while encouraging courage and determination. Red Jasper and Black Tourmaline crystal healing stones may also be effective at grounding energy, providing security and safety, and alleviating fears while sparking passion in people.

How to Use Chakra Stones

A chakra crystal grid can help you cleanse and realign your energy, as well as use chakra stones as jewelry or place them around the home to bring balance to energy flows. Simply ensure to regularly clear out and cleanse them to remove any negative energies which might collect.

Hematite can help heal your root chakra and provide grounding support when feeling overwhelmed or anxious, as well as soothing common digestive issues and balancing emotional life. Amethyst soothes heartbreak while smoky quartz allows us to let go of what no longer serves us.

To maximize their effectiveness, always cleanse and activate chakra crystals prior to using them. There are various methods you can use for cleansing them: running water, smudging with sage, moonlight soaking or sound vibrations are just some examples. Once they’re charged up you can add them to your chakra crystal grid or simply hold one while practicing meditation and visualization exercises.

Choosing the Right Crystals

Crystals can help to balance each chakra. Red jasper is an exceptional grounding stone which can help provide your root chakra with stability and security, according to Best. Hopkins recommends black tourmaline for its powerful protection abilities in terms of root chakra balancing.

To address the sacral chakra associated with orange, she suggests amber and carnelian as soothing treatments. For the heart chakra, adventurine or rose quartz could prove effective; while blue apatite or aquamarine could provide soothing support to your throat and third eye chakras.

Before using chakra stones, make sure they have been cleansed and charged appropriately – this could include using sage for cleansing or leaving them out in sunlight or moonlight. When your 7 chakra stones have been prepared, sit back and meditate upon them! Don’t forget to care for them afterwards though!

Caring for Chakra Stones

Utilizing chakra stones daily is an easy and effective way to maintain overall physical and mental equilibrium. But before using them again, it’s essential that they are cleansed to remove any negative energy stored within their crystals that could potentially transmit into you.

Root Chakra:

At the base of your spine lies your root chakra – an energy center associated with stability and security. Integrating root chakra stones into daily routine can help realign this vital energy centre, especially if you feel overwhelmed or disconnected from Earth. Red jasper promotes positive attitudes and motivation while black tourmaline absorbs negative energies as it absorbs electromagnetic frequencies from negative sources. Mahogany obsidian is another powerful stone to enhance grounding while building self-confidence while dispelling fear, procrastination or doubt so as to help achieve goals more quickly and successfully.