chakra healing stones

Chakra healing stones have long been recognized for their ability to promote emotional and mental wellness, relieving stress, anxiety and tension.

Care of chakra healing stones is crucial to their effective use, including charging and clearing them before each use.

Tiger eye and carnelian stones are two of the most frequently used chakra healing stones. Spongelle’s Jasmine Star Spiritual Detox Buffer features carnelian to open up sacral chakra and foster self-trust and creativity.

Sacral chakra

The sacral chakra, also known as swadhisthana, regulates sexuality and feelings of pleasure and intimacy. When in balance, you can let go of emotional attachments, embrace creativity and access passion and connection for greater ease of living.

Blockages to your sacral chakra can make you overly sensitive or out-of-touch with your emotions, difficulty communicating your needs to others and perhaps becoming dependent on sensory pleasures such as food, sex, drugs or alcohol. Furthermore, an imbalanced libido or fear of intimacy could also occur.

To nourish the sacral chakra, incorporate dance, art or journaling into your daily routines. Since it’s associated with water elements like lakes, rivers and oceans, connecting with such bodies of water as lakes, rivers or oceans helps balance out emotions that become too overwhelming for you to manage. Yoga poses like cobra, Butterfly Camels or Reverse Warrior pose are particularly effective at supporting sacral chakra healing.

Solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra is connected with your sense of self-esteem, personal power and willpower as well as your confidence and ability to manifest dreams and goals. When this energy center becomes blocked, you may feel powerless against life circumstances or be unable to make decisions. Furthermore, you could experience abdominal pain and/or fatigue.

Heal this chakra to overcome indecision, low self-esteem and trust issues with your intuition – as well as giving yourself more “go” when pursuing goals and dreams. When your solar plexus is healthy, you are better able to stand up for yourself and create life on your terms.

Meditation is one of the best ways to harmonize your solar plexus chakra. One effective posture, known as Cobra Pose, helps harmonize this energy center. Lift your shoulders toward your ears and arch your chest until your hands rest on the ground – creating a gentle bow shape with your spine while encouraging healing in stomach, gallbladder, liver, spleen and pancreas organs.

Heart chakra

The heart chakra is your gateway to love, compassion and empathy. It plays an integral part in relationships both external and internal; helping build deeper emotional ties to family and friends alike.

To balance your heart chakra, practicing loving kindness meditation is an easy and effective way to clear away energy blocks. Simply sit quietly in a calm area and direct loving energy toward yourself, loved ones, neutral people, and any enemies or hostile individuals that arise.

Chrysoprase is an ideal stone to help heal the heart chakra as it encourages people to trust their intuition and follow their heart. Additionally, Chrysoprase has long been recognized as the Soul Mate Stone; meaning it helps attract important relationships into your life such as romantic partners or mentors.

Rhodochrosite is an effective stone for opening your heart chakra, helping you accept yourself and understanding that people come into our lives for specific reasons and each is here to teach us something new.

Crown chakra

At the crown of your head is a chakra responsible for spiritual connection and enlightenment. When properly balanced, this chakra fosters a strong sense of community while helping individuals overcome egocentricity and negative thinking patterns. If blocked by emotional distress or blocked by debris from life events, its function becomes compromised leading to disillusionment or lack of motivation.

Meditation, particularly mindfulness and breathwork practices, can be an excellent way to balance this chakra. Additionally, spending time outdoors and connecting with the elements is also invaluable; try going for a walk, practicing outdoor meditation sessions, or engaging in poses which stimulate this area such as headstand or lotus pose to balance it out.

Finally, surrounding yourself with violet and white can help harmonize the Crown chakra. Wearing violet- and white-hued clothing or gazing upon violet or white paper will do the trick, or simply repeating “OM” can bring instantaneous comfort. Energy healing techniques like Reiki or acupuncture may also assist in clearing away energetic blockages from this energy center.