Chakra healing stones are believed to align with our seven chakras and promote balance and wellness. Adding chakra crystals into your daily routine can enhance meditation as well as other holistic forms of self-care practices.

When selecting chakra healing stones, trust your instinct and let emotions direct your selections. Once chosen, these crystals can be used in a crystal grid or simply held while focusing on positive energy.

The root chakra

When your root chakra is balanced and open, you can feel grounded in life and able to take care of yourself in basic ways, including taking good physical care of yourself. Furthermore, this allows you to recognize personal boundaries and maintain them firmly.

Blockages to this chakra may make you anxious and fearful, with low self-esteem or panic attacks being possible results.

When it comes to healing your root chakra, there are various practices you can try. One effective method is affirmations – which works subconsciously to clear away energy blockages – while eating foods which resonate with this chakra, such as red-colored vegetables or roots; engaging in grounding activities such as walking barefoot through nature is another effective option.

The sacral chakra

The sacral chakra governs pleasure and passion in relationships. It is also associated with sensuality, creativity and sexual energy – it’s important to recognize your emotional needs and set healthy boundaries between yourself and others.

Blockages to the sacral chakra may manifest themselves through physical symptoms such as lower libido or back and hip pain, as well as more subtle indicators like urinary issues or constipation.

Reducing tension within this chakra can be done through movement, dance, journaling or meditation. Crystals can also help unblock this chakra: Amber is an amber fossilized resin that captures the lifelike energy of the sun to promote healing and balance; Red Jasper promotes strength, endurance, determination and persistence when facing obstacles. Clean your crystals regularly using sage or placing them under moonlight for best results.

The heart chakra

The heart chakra represents love and balance at its core; incorporating crystals for the heart chakra into everyday life helps promote emotional release, foster kindness and foster deeper bonds with others.

Rose Quartz is often associated with the heart chakra, as its qualities facilitate feelings of unconditional love – self-love, family love, platonic love, and romantic love. Chrysoprase heals wounded feelings while encouraging optimism.

Green crystals such as emerald, green jade, malachite and rhodochrosite can help facilitate healing and growth in the heart chakra. Another great way to stimulate it is spending time outdoors; consider walking through a forest or taking an extended stroll in a park.

The throat chakra

The throat chakra (vishuddha) relates to communication and self-expression. If it’s open and healthy, you are free to express yourself freely without judgment or rejection, as well as hearing other’s points of view clearly.

Healing stones associated with this center tend to be blue-hued stones, from sky-blue turquoise and lapis lazuli to soothing, calming qualities of chalcedony and aquamarine. They’re often used to stimulate throat- and chest-area stimulation, promote self-expression and clear and compassionate communication.

Consuming chamomile or licorice root tea has long been known to reduce throat inflammation. Aromatherapy with essential oils like frankincense, ylang-ylang, neroli peppermint and eucalyptus is also thought to unblock this chakra and open up its full potential. A breathing technique called Lion’s breath may also help open it.

The third eye chakra

The third eye chakra, also known as the sixth chakra, is associated with intuition, divine insight, and spiritual awareness. It’s located at the center of your forehead between your eyebrows; its color signifies its energy center – typically indigo.

An open sixth chakra can help you see clearly in both physical and spiritual realms, make informed decisions based on feelings and intuition, better understand emotions, and develop stronger connections to both yourself, the universe, and other people.

Meditation and crystals such as tanzanite and sodalite can help heal your third eye chakra. Sun gazing also boosts its functionality; you may also want to try eating foods such as mugwort, star anise, saffron and basil in order to support it further.