1. Enhance Mental and Emotional Well-Being – Labradorite enhances creativity and communication while white calcite promotes spiritual growth by connecting you to your higher self.

2. CLEANSE AND CHARGE – Most crystal practitioners regularly cleanse and charge their stones in order to rid themselves of any negative energy that might have built up within them. This could involve submerging them in water for several minutes, using a sage stick, or leaving them outside under direct sunlight or moonlight for some extra charge.

Red Jasper

Red Jasper has a grounding energy that helps balance your chakras. Additionally, it may protect from electromagnetic pollution and radiation exposure.

Natural “worry beads”, they help soothe emotions while encouraging healthy boundaries in relationships. Furthermore, it has also been known to improve dream recall.

Askinosie suggests keeping Red Jasper near you while working or meditating on the root chakra, along with other healing stones like Hematite, Obsidian and Moss Agate to maintain their healing properties and keep yourself feeling good. Cleansing and charging regularly will keep them at their optimal performance level.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is an extremely effective protective stone. It acts like your personal bodyguard by purifying your aura and deterring negativity.

This crystal can help those prone to being affected by others’ energies. It helps release any emotional trauma and promote emotional healing.

Use black tourmaline stones to rid your home or office grid of negative energy. Begin by purifying it using sacred herbs, then scatter chunks or shards of raw black tourmaline around the space.

Blue Turquoise

Turquoise is an ideal stone to help heal the throat chakra and speak your truth freely and open your intuition. Additionally, turquoise can also assist in writing creative pieces as it promotes imagination and promotes creativity. Furthermore, copper-based crystals like Kinoite, Lapis lazuli and Blue Hemimorphite combine nicely for maximum effectiveness when healing this area of your chakra system.

Place turquoise stones under moonlight or near windows which receive sunlight to cleanse and energize them for best results. This technique also works when setting them by windows which receive sun.

Green Aventurine

Green aventurine is believed to amplify one’s intentions and manifestation work, drawing in luck and abundance into ones life. Additionally, this stone may encourage creativity as well as helping individuals access their heart chakra.

Opalite is considered an invaluable stone for those experiencing difficulties in their love relationships and is thought to help cultivate compassion and empathy, helping individuals to create harmony between inner and outer worlds.

Askinosie recommends holding green aventurine in your dominant hand during meditation and visualizing a golden light engulfing your intention.

Yellow Aventurine

Yellow aventurine is an ideal stone to help ground and calm emotional swings, while simultaneously inspiring joy and abundance by encouraging one to live fully in the moment.

It is thought that the garnet can also help balance opposing energies such as male-female, good-evil and young-old; therefore, helping reduce emotional distress while healing relationships by encouraging honesty.

This crystal complements Tiger’s Eye beautifully by encouraging you to use your personal strength in reaching goals and can assist with unbalanced Solar Plexus chakra issues.

Orange Aventurine

Orange Aventurine is known for its vibrant hues and metaphysical properties that promote energy flow through the Sacral Chakra, opening passion, joy, and creativity while being recognized as a stone of abundance and prosperity.

Mentally, meditation may help quiet an internal voice that criticizes and judges you, providing hope and optimism that inspire independence and originality. Meditation also fosters determination to accomplish what’s vitally important; furthermore it’s said to keep the thymus gland healthy and functioning optimally.

Purple Aventurine

Purple aventurine quartz has become extremely popular with crystal enthusiasts and healers, due to its soothing energy which may assist people in connecting to their intuition and inner guidance.

It works in harmony with the throat chakra (Vishuddha), helping you express yourself freely or communicate effectively. Furthermore, its healing properties have been used to ease stress and anxiety.

White Aventurine

Aventurine is said to promote compassion and a more generous mindset, reduce stress levels and bring prosperity and luck.

White aventurine crystal healing stones are commonly believed to help balance energies and foster an atmosphere of serenity, often used together with blue lace agate to promote love, understanding, and tempers.

They are known for their ability to neutralize electromagnetic smog. Placing them strategically within your home or office may help in protecting from electromagnetic radiation pollution.